Monday, November 20, 2023

Nothing to Worry About...Or is there?

For those of you have been wondering where I have been this is part of the answer. I have been in an out of the hospital. But the good news is I still have the stamina and presence of mind to peck out Foolishness...Or Is It Blog Postings...Or is that good news?

There could and might be several Blog Postings about my 72 hours brush with death. There were lots of good things that happened while I was in the hospital. A really good thing is I am still vertical and very thankful for the professional, talented and caring people who kept me upright.

There were other things that happened where the best that can be said about some of the people who had my life in their less than capable hands is, Wow! What great fodder for someone who writes a blog called, Foolishness...Or Is It?!


Here is one of the several negative Blog Postings I could but may not write...

  • It was about 12:30am. 
  • I’m hooked up to 3 different machines. 
  • A nurse rushes in and says, “Your oxygen is falling!”
  • I start asking questions. 
  • She does not respond but keeps clicking on the computer. 
  • Then she rushes out. 
  • I think to myself...Is she is going to get a doctor? ... Or is she going to get some big uncomfortable probe to stick into me!? ... Or is she getting out of here because she thinks I am dying and she does not want to be anywhere near me as I fade away cuz she might be blamed for my fading!?
  • I started taking deep breaths to get much needed oxygen into my failing body.
  • About an hour later a different nurse comes in and I take a chance and pause my deep breathing and say, "My oxygen is falling!" 
  • She looked at the computer screen and said, “Looks good to me”.

Then she left leaving me and my heart laying there wondering, if I could get myself unhooked and was able to get over to that closet, is there something I could use to bar the door that would prevent any more Caregivers from getting in to “Care” for me?

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Oh yea, why was I at death’s door? I needed to have 2 Stents Inserted in an artery running down the front of my heart and during the stent insertion the artery was punctured and you know what happens when that happens. If you want to know the Rest of the Story you gonna have to wait for the movie to come out.