Thursday, August 23, 2018

Let Me See If I Understand This Foolishness Correctly

Currently there is a TV commercial running that says the price of Silver will hit an all time high in the relatively near future. When it does those of us who own a bunch of Silver are going to become Stinking Rich.


The Sponsor of the commercial has a bunch of Silver and he is offering to sell it to us for a price that is far below what it will be when it gets to its all time high in the relatively near future.


I know I claim to be smart and I also know that a few of you have doubts about just how smart I am. I guarantee I am smarter than the Sponsor of this commercial.


If I owned a whole bunch of something that I knew was going to shoot up in price in the relatively near future, I sure as hell would not be willing to sell it to you at what is going to prove to have been a Bargain Price in the relatively near future!


I see that a whole bunch of you now get my drift because I just heard that bunch of you say to your collective selves, “No way, Jose, I would hold onto all that Silver until the Relatively Near Future has become the Recent Past and I would sell it at its all-time high and I would become Stinking Rich”.


It’s not Rocket Science.


Would I kid u?
