Saturday, January 26, 2019

What Have They Done With My Wife?

Yes, I have touched on this before but they paid me no never mind (whatever that means).

Some may call this Progress...Or is it?


My wife is sitting right next to me in her La-Z-Boy Chair but she is not really there. In our modern Good Ole USofA she has become, “Someone Else”.


Are you confused? The same goes for me but I’ll try and explain...


Some say she has become a “Significant Other” but I reject that term. In my Old Fashioned mind I would consider this a demotion and I can’t recall her doing anything so terrible that would require her to be demoted.


I prefer “Spouse” (aka: Husband or Wife) but what I prefer appears to be unacceptable. Here is an excerpt from one of our Big Box Warehouses Membership Information Pages...

Memberships come with two cards. Share the price of it with a sibling or significant other or someone else in your household.

I may not be as Old Fashioned as I appear to be. Just to show how I can adapt to Modern “Thinking” I will accept that the fact that “Significant Other” is here to stay. Why can’t the Modern “Thinkers” allow “Spouse” to be stay also?


What’s wrong with this?...

Memberships come with two cards. Share the price of it with a sibling or significant other or your spouse.

Would that be so bad?


Would I kid u?




Kathy Manos Penn said...

Good one. Sitting here with girlfriends who have never liked the word spouse and would prefer it to say "husband or wife."

SmartFella? said...

I am honored! You are actually sitting up there in the North Carolina Mountains with your girlfriends reading my Blog to them! Wow! There may be hope that the world will yet beat a path to my silliness.

Anonymous said...

I looked up the definition of the word wife on the web. It clearly pertains to a woman. So my wife will always be my wife.

Theresa you're favorite niece said...

But then that wouldn't include your child, the way "someone else in your house" does. Why don't the py just say "one for you, and one to share with someone else"? That covers everyone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


SmartFella? said...

To my favorite niece (or are u?),
I can't believe you want to eliminate your favorite Aunt? :-)

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking how the one who might be offended by spouse might see it - It’s exclusionary; from the past; from another generation; its old; need my own word that encompasses more than a man and a woman married.

And just as one might choose to see the negative side, I choose to see the beauty in the commitment and family ‘spouse’ represents.

We get to keep our words, and each new word finds it’s place, merely by its’ use.

Would I kid you? (It works for your catch phrase too!)