I would like to think that I could not be persuaded to part with my money by a person not qualified to get me to part with my money. Am I the exception to the rule? There is some indication that I just may be.
Let’s say you have a bunch of wild lions in your backyard and you have need for a tamer to come over and tame your lions. Would you go down to Wal-Mart and ask the first stock clerk you see to come over and be your lion tamer? I hope not.
Hopefully you would go to great lengths to make sure you hired the services of a qualified professional lion tamer with lots of experience. You would get real excited if you opened your morning paper and saw an ad like this...
Do you have a bunch of lions in your back yard? Do you need someone to come over and turn those wild creatures into gentle pussy cats? I’m your man. I have 23 years experience in the Lion Taming Industry. I started honing my skills at the age of 14 when I ran away and joined the Barnum & Bailey Circus.
Taming Lions Is What I Do
Wild No More, Inc., 178 Mane Street, Catskill, NY 12414
Call 24/7 to 1-800-CatsRUs
I think I have adequately made my point. Experience Counts!...Or does it?
Apparently all what I think about experience is not important to many people. For months now we have all been hearing a commercial for a Tax Manipulation Company on the radio that goes something like this...
Hi. For years I played a dad on a long running TV show. As a TV Dad I had to give financial advice to my TV Sons on the show...
What? Does this really work? Are we gullible enough to do business with a company because an Imitation TV Dad had to teach his Imitation TV Kids how to handle their non-existent finances?
The sad truth is that many of my fellow Americans have signed up with this company because of this silly commercial.
Actually I was considering signing up but the IRS just cleaned out the money I set aside in my Throw Perfectly Good Money Away Fund.
Would I kid u?