Saturday, February 23, 2013

This Would Not Fix All Our Spending Problems BUT It Would Be A Good Start

If you click on the link below, you can read about how one Senator in one year saved $600,000 in the expenditures needed to run his Senate Office by being frugal...

$600,000 times 435 Members of Congress Equals $261,000,000 a Year

That, my dear readers, is more than a drop in the bucket. That is a Good Start.

Click Here:


I know I have many Economists in my list of readers and I know every one of them just said, “On the other hand (Economists love to say, “On the other hand” Smile), Smartfella, $261,000,000 is not a lot of money. Our Post Office loses that much money in only 10.44 days”.*

* Source: Reuters News Agency February 20, 2013...”the Postal Service losing roughly $25 million a day as more Americans opt for email and the Internet for communication”.

In my ongoing attempt to be completely forthcoming with my readers please understand I added the underline to the words “a day”.

Would I kid u?


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1 comment:

Ludwig said...

Wow, what a great idea!! From now on I will set my monthly household budget $2000 higher. By not spending the unneeded money I will SAVE! Just think, after only a year I will have saved enough money to buy that new car! With no effort except to set my budget numbers higher! Must admit, we have clever people there at the trough in Washington!