Thursday, February 21, 2013

Putting Wal-Mart Out Of Business Could Prove Very Costly

There are many among us who appear to have a burning desire to put Wal-Mart completely out of business.

If Wal-Mart were actually done away with I feel quite certain that Congress would feel obligated to create a subsidy whereby all abandoned Wal-Mart Customers would receive a reimbursement from the U.S. Treasury for all the money they would have saved at Wal-Mart if only Wal-Mart had not gone out of business.

Picture in your mind’s eye how many people who never set foot into a Wal-Mart and who actively campaigned against Wal-Mart’s very existence would be frantically filling out the Wal-Mart Economic Hardship Reimbursement Form.

Would I kid u?


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like law abiding citizens tempted to commit fraud. Would anyone really not shop at Wal-Mart and then file for reimbursement? Like those farmers who entered into the class action lawsuit against the Federal Government for discriminatory practices when in fact they never ever ever done any farming in their life. Would people really do that?