Friday, October 20, 2023

If It Weren’t So Serious It Would Be Silly

For 2 weeks now there has been no news except news about Hamas and Israel.

If we were back to 3 weeks ago the News Media would be going berserk about all kinds of other reported disasters of the day. If there are no disasters on any given day the News Media will make ordinary non-disasters sound like disastrous disasters...

Ø Breaking News!

Ø This Just It!

Ø He Did It Again!

Ø He Didn’t Do It again!

Ø Harry Met Sally!

Ø Harry And Sally Have Split Up!

I think it is quite possible that, if the Exclamation Point had not been invented, the News Media would not have been invented.

It’s what they do. They make ordinary non-disasters sound like disastrous disasters.

After this war is a thing of the past they will go back to shouting at us about all the things that they are paying no never mind to at this time.

The sad part is they will get us to worry about all those unimportant molehills.

Maybe we are the silly ones.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Come to think about it, have you ever come across An Important Molehill?


Anonymous said...

It might not be a big deal if the media reports were correct but our paper ( old Times Picayune now BR Advocate and NO Advocate ) front page was Israel bombing a hospital with over 500 deaths complete with pictures of mothers and children. Later radio reports was the the Gaza army did it with a missile it shot that didn't go where it was supposed to (Israel). that did not make the front page and no oops in paper. Uncle joe gave Iran 6 Billion -= maybe not cleared the bank yet but Iran says there are no restrictions on its use. radio yesterday afternoon said we had some USA troops ( a few ) in Iran but nothing in newspaper this AM and still no oops on the hospital bombing. Still no Speaker of the House but maybe it will be from La. not Scalise but another with picture of Jordan sitting next to new guy. LSU plays Army today take LSU > Have a good weekend .

Anonymous said...

Happens all the time…
1. Muammar Gaddafi’s “Line of Death” (1980s): The media extensively covered Gaddafi's declaration of the "Line of Death" in the Gulf of Sidra. However, attention shifted towards the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, among other significant global events.
2. Ebola Outbreak (2014-2016): The media transitioned from covering the Ebola outbreak to the emergence of the Zika virus in 2016, as the Zika epidemic posed new public health challenges.
3. Notre-Dame de Paris Fire (2019): Following the extensive coverage of the Notre-Dame fire, the media's focus moved to other events such as the escalating US-China trade tensions in 2019.
4. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010): The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was a major environmental disaster that garnered extensive media coverage for a period. However, as the 2010 midterm elections approached in the United States, media coverage shifted significantly towards political campaigning and electoral outcomes, diminishing the focus on the ongoing cleanup and litigation related to the spill.
5. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 (2014): After the extensive coverage of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, media attention eventually shifted to other significant events such as the ISIS insurgency in Iraq and Syria that escalated in 2014.