Tuesday, May 30, 2023

I Have Nothing Else To Do


I am retired. That means I am often looking for something to do. When I get that way I often will pull out my Book of Unusual Knowledge and read about Unusual Knowledge. Today you are going to benefit from my boredom...Or are you?

The World’s Most Dangerous Animals

Before I start, write down on a piece of paper which animal you think is the most Dangerous. There is a very good chance that you will not write down the one that is the Champion Killer...Or will you?

I’m going to list them by How Dangerous they are (number of humans killed) from Least Killed to Most Killed...

Ø Leopards...30 deaths per year.

Ø Cape Buffalo...40 deaths per year.

Ø My book disappoints me with these 4 because it does not quantify the number killed very well:

o   Box Jellyfish...nearly a hundred deaths per year.

o   Hippopotamus...approximately 150 deaths per year.

o   Nile Crocodiles...hundreds of deaths per year.

o   Lions...several hundred deaths per year.

Ø Elephants...500 deaths per year.

Ø Scorpions...1,500 deaths per year.

Ø Venomous Snakes...125,000 deaths per year.

Ø The Champion Killer that you did not guess correctly on your piece of paper is The Mosquito which kill as many as 2 Million Human Beings Each Year.

If this were a Killing Contest, it would be declared No Contest.


Isn’t it interesting how so many listings come out to even numbers. There must be some form of Worldwide Killer Animal Communication System that puts out a Cease Killing Order when the year is nearing an end and the computer determines that a new bigger even number is not within reach and we would become confused if we saw a death total that was not easy to remember and quote to others so they will be impressed with our Unusual Knowledge.


I’m reading your mind again. What I’m reading is your mind saying to itself, Why did God make Mosquitoes to start with? I’m thinking God said to Himself, “I did not know I could make mistakes but I sure did when I gave Man such a high opinion of himself”.

Just about the time when man was climbing onto his High Horse a Mosquito is sure to come along and take him down a few notches.

Alexander the Great is as good an example of this as any. It is well documented that he was known to go into panic mode when he heard a Mosquito buzzing his way. Once he detected a Mosquito he would pick up his skirt and run as fast as he could 101 yards from where he did his detecting.   

He did this because of his Incomplete Mosquito Knowledge. He had Googled enough to know that some species of Mosquito can only fly 100 yards away from where they were born. His knowledge was incomplete because he did not take into account that some other Mosquitoes were born 100 yards away from other Mosquitoes and they were waiting for him and his exposed hairy legs to come running his way.


Is A Mosquito An Animal Or An Insect?

They are considered both. A mosquito is under the class Insecta, which is the largest class under phylum Arthropoda. This means that this organism has an exoskeleton, a slim segmented body, as well as a pair of appendages. Mosquitoes also have no capacity to produce food on their own. These characteristics make this notoriously dangerous and pesky insect an animal, too. 

Would I kid u?



Monday, May 29, 2023

I Don’t Know What I Am Talking About

I admit I don’t know what I am talking about when I talk about Supreme Court Decisions because I am not a lawyer and lawyers always know what they are talking about...Or do they?

Below are the first 3 paragraphs of an article about a recent Supreme Court Ruling. While you are reading them see if you can find the 18 Words that caught my attention. I will give my own not-lawyer-like-opinion about what you have read after you have finished your reading...

Supreme Court Reins in EPA Overreach

Thanks to Sackett v. EPA, the feds can no longer treat a backyard puddle like it's a lake.

RONALD BAILEY | 5.25.2023

The U.S. Supreme Court in a 5–4 decision reined in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) effort to impose extensive federal land use regulation through its broad interpretation of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The decision in the case of Sackett v. EPA turns on the question of the proper definition of the term "the waters of the United States" (WOTUS). Interestingly, all the justices concurred in the judgment that plaintiffs Michael and Chantell Sackett's property and actions were not covered by the CWA.

In the case, the Sacketts had purchased property near Priest Lake, Idaho, and began backfilling the lot with dirt to prepare for building a home. The EPA claimed that the property contained wetlands over which the agency exercised authority under the Clean Water Act which prohibits discharging pollutants into "the waters of the United States." The EPA threatened to impose a fine of $40,000 per day if the Sacketts did not desist.

The majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito noted that EPA bureaucrats had "classified the wetlands on the Sacketts' lot as 'waters of the United States' because they were near a ditch that fed into a creek, which fed into Priest Lake, a navigable, intrastate lake." The EPA's ruling against the Sacketts was upheld in federal district court and the 9th Circuit Appeals Court.


Did you figure out which 18 Words caught my attention? Of course you did...Or did you?

They were the last 18 words, “The EPA's ruling against the Sacketts was upheld in federal district court and the 9th Circuit Appeals Court.”

How could 2 Lower Courts have ruled against the defendants by looking at a puddle and saying it was essentially part of a lake?


It reminds me of the time my daughter and I were trying to watch a late night movie that was constantly being interrupted by Weather Reports about the “bad weather” moving through our area that night.

After many interruptions that tried to make us fear for our lives, the weatherman said something like this (single quotes because it is not an exact quote), ‘You should understand that we are not warning you about tornados or other such really serious weather. This is heavy rain but it is resulting in Significant Puddleing on some of our roadways.’

It was at this point that we gave up and went to bed secure in the knowledge that the puddles were locked outside and could not come in and get us.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Here is the link to the article that set me off onto this trek into what I don’t know about. If want to Read all About It , have at it...


Lagniappe Another: From my For What It’s Worth Department... There are no explicit requirements in the U.S. Constitution for a person to be nominated to become a Supreme Court justice. No age, education, job experience, or citizenship rules exist. In fact, according to the Constitution, a Supreme Court justice does not need to even have a law degree.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Don’t Ya Just Hate Long Words?!

The Fear Of Long Words Is A Long Word...


Click here: https://youtu.be/ZZfqgsy7igs

Would I kid u?


Thursday, May 25, 2023

You Can’t Be Serious!

If I can’t understand something it bothers me. What bothers me even more is other people think they know what I don’t know and, therefore, they think they are smarter than I am. This Blog Posting will do it’s best to make certain that you, Mr. Smarty Pants, are made aware of what you don’t know so you can understand that you are as confused as I am.

I am so proud of the above paragraph. I just love it when I get things off of my chest. My chest feels so much better. How’s does your chest feel?


First let me clarify a few things for you regarding our current Statutory Debt Limit Crisis...

Ø Those Talking Heads on TV every night who smugly pontificate about the Statutory Debt Limit as if they know what they are talking about do not know what they are talking about.

Ø The Secretary of the Treasury on TV every other night who smugly pontificates about the Statutory Debt Limit as if she knows what she is talking about does not know what she is talking about.

Ø Sergeant Shultz put it quite well when he said, “I know nothing about the American Statutory Debt Limit”...

Winston Churchill said it better than Sergeant Shultz when he said, “The American Statutory Debt Limit is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma".


Thanks to the Wall Street Journal I now have proof of all of the confusion I have pecked out above. Below are the first 2 paragraph of the proof article...

With the U.S. Treasury predicted to run out of cash (the “X date”) as early as June 1, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has started warning of an “economic calamity” if Congress doesn’t raise the statutory debt limit. According to Ms. Yellen, “whether it’s defaulting on interest payments that are due on the debt or payments due for Social Security recipients or to Medicare providers, we would simply not have enough cash to meet all of our obligations.” These claims are dangerously misleading.

Hitting the X date won’t cause a default on the national debt. Debt-service payments have a feature that most other government payments lack: When the government pays off maturing debt, the amount of debt subject to the statutory limit declines. This means that the government can “roll over” such obligations—that is, issue new debt to pay off old debt—without violating the debt limit.

Now do you understand? Glad I could help.

Would our rulers kid us?



The entire article is below...If I were you I would not bother to read it.

The Phony Debt-Ceiling ‘Calamity’

The Treasury made a plan to pay bondholders in 2011. It could do the same with Social Security.

By Conor J. Clarke and Kristin A. Shapiro

May 22, 2023 12:08 pm ET

With the U.S. Treasury predicted to run out of cash (the “X date”) as early as June 1, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has started warning of an “economic calamity” if Congress doesn’t raise the statutory debt limit. According to Ms. Yellen, “whether it’s defaulting on interest payments that are due on the debt or payments due for Social Security recipients or to Medicare providers, we would simply not have enough cash to meet all of our obligations.” These claims are dangerously misleading.

Hitting the X date won’t cause a default on the national debt. Debt-service payments have a feature that most other government payments lack: When the government pays off maturing debt, the amount of debt subject to the statutory limit declines. This means that the government can “roll over” such obligations—that is, issue new debt to pay off old debt—without violating the debt limit.

A plan to roll over debt after the X date—and thereby ensure that the debt is honored—is more than theoretical. It is a matter of public record that the Treasury made such a plan during a 2011 showdown over the debt limit, when one official explained that “the principal on Treasury securities that are maturing would be funded by having auctions that would roll over those maturing securities into new issues, so the new issues would be able to fund the redemption of the maturing securities.”

For a similar reason, hitting the X date need not stop Social Security and other payments that come from federal trust funds. The payroll taxes that are used to fund such benefits are invested in special Treasury securities that count toward the debt limit. The Treasury has the authority to redeem these securities to pay benefits; when it does so, debt subject to the statutory limit declines. Thus paying Social Security benefits—like paying maturing principal on the public debt—can create headroom under the limit, making rollover strategies possible. In both 1985 and 1996, following similar debt-limit conflicts, the comptroller general concluded that such strategies would be lawful because they wouldn’t “increase the total amount of outstanding debt subject to the statutory limit,” and thus wouldn’t “usurp the congressional power under the Constitution to borrow.”

Paying Social Security benefits and servicing the national debt are not only lawful; they are legally obligatory. Because the Biden administration can continue making such payments regardless of the statutory debt limit, and because such payments wouldn’t come at the cost of any other federal payments, it must do so. Otherwise, the administration would fail its constitutional duty to execute those statutes faithfully—an argument that would apply even without the support of the 14th Amendment’s Public Debt Clause.

Most government payments don’t involve rolling over debt. That includes interest payments on the public debt, because only the “face amount” of the debt counts toward the statutory debt limit. But on a monthly basis, interest is a relatively small fraction of incoming tax revenue, and the government has broad lawful authority to prioritize payments after the X date. With advance planning, such as what the Treasury undertook in 2011, interest payments can continue.

More broadly, the government regularly faces situations in which Congress hasn’t appropriated enough money to fulfill the mandate of a spending statute, or in which external circumstances render spending infeasible. In Morton v. Ruiz (1974), the Supreme Court held that such circumstances don’t deprive the executive branch of the “power to create reasonable classifications . . . to allocate the limited funds available.” In 1985 the comptroller general confirmed that such discretion would extend to the debt limit, opining that after the X date, “Treasury is free to liquidate obligations in any order it finds will best serve the interests of the United States.”

The X date still presents uncertainty, and we don’t want to appear pollyannaish. But the executive branch has both the power and the obligation to make debt-service and Social Security payments, and it has broad authority to prioritize the most pressing of the government’s remaining obligations. For those reasons, it may well be that hitting the X date—and a short lapse in the government’s ability to raise revenue—looks like a temporary government shutdown that follows an appropriations lapse.

When the government temporarily shuts down (as it did repeatedly during the Clinton, Obama and Trump presidencies), some federal obligations go temporarily unmet. When the shutdown ends, the obligations are paid. Shutdowns happen because the government runs out of lawful authority to spend; the X date would happen because the government runs out of lawful authority to raise revenue.

In one respect, hitting the X date could be less disruptive than a government shutdown. The Antideficiency Act requires that many federal functions cease during a shutdown, and most federal employees are prohibited from working. But there is no analogous limit on federal functions after the X date—so many such functions could continue even if payments are delayed.

Congress can take several steps to correct misleading claims about the debt limit, which threaten to spook markets as the X date approaches. First, the House should subpoena Treasury officials to confirm the executive branch’s broad legal authority to satisfy the government’s most pressing obligations after the X date. The House should also confirm the Treasury’s practical ability to prioritize certain key obligations. Although officials in 2011 explained how a limited prioritization plan could be implemented using Treasury’s systems, Ms. Yellen warned recently that those “systems are built to pay all of our bills on time and not to pick and choose which bills to pay.”

Second, the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group should issue a statement confirming the Treasury’s legal authority to roll debt over to make debt-service and Social Security payments after the X date. The group is composed of the speaker and other House leaders of both parties and “speaks for, and articulates the institutional position of, the House in all litigation matters.” With the executive branch and the House united, markets could rest assured that such payments will continue and that no credible legal challenge to them will arise.

Ms. Yellen recently stated that if Congress fails to raise the debt limit, “we will have an economic and financial catastrophe that will be of our own making.” But if a catastrophe arises, it may be because the markets take the worst debt-limit scaremongering seriously rather than appropriately discount it as another negotiation tactic.

Mr. Clarke is an incoming associate professor at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Law. Ms. Shapiro practices appellate and constitutional law in Washington and is a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum. Both served as attorney-advisers at the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel during the Trump and Biden administrations.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Supply and Demand


This Blog Posting was inspired by a News Article that led with this headline...

Car Dealer Markups Helped Drive Inflation, Study Finds

No chit, Sherlock. This news article and its headline make the Automobile Dealer sound like a bad guy because he is making money from the vehicles he sells. Has the author of this news article ever heard of Supply and Demand? I hope that uninformed author is reading this Blog Posting because I am going to try and explain Supply and Demand to him here and now...

Ø In recent years the Automotive Supply Chain (which the Automobile Dealer did not invent nor have any control over) malfunctioned big time.

Ø The Automobile Dealer is in the business of Selling Automotive Vehicles.

Ø Because the Supply Chain came apart big time the Automobile Dealer did not have Automotive Vehicles to sell.

Ø The Automobile Dealer had to raise his selling price on the dramatically limited number of vehicles that were available for him to sell. 


Hey, author of this news article, this is as good an example of Supply and Demand as you have ever heard of, or better said, as you have never heard of.

The News Article said, “Auto demand surged after customers got pandemic stimulus checks, while supply-chain snarls reduced supply. The sales prices for new cars skyrocketed. Much of that additional money went into the pockets of dealers, according to the research.”

Here is another No chit, Sherlock...The “additional” money went into the dealer’s pocket! Oh my gosh! This Snidley Whiplash 
masquerading as an Automobile Dealer is actually putting the money from the vehicles he sells into his very own pocket! How dare him! Someone has to put a stop to this putting money into his very own pocket! A Federal Law needs to be passed requiring him to put the money he takes in from selling his Automobile Vehicles into someone else’s pocket!

We need a Focus Group to determine whose pocket is most deserving of receiving this money even though this other pocket owner had no part in bringing the money to the point where it was pocket ready for putting. (Please forgive the prior sentence. I could not help myself.)


A Fella Explanation...

Ø If automotive dealers do not order inventory from the manufacturer and they are on the point of running out of vehicles and they become uncompetitive in their pricing, they will go out of business.

Ø If the Supply Chain fails and all dealers are running out of vehicles they will all start charging more for the vehicles they do have and maybe they will all stay in business until they can get more inventory.

Dear Mr. Article Writer, the second bullet above is not the fault of the dealer. It’s called Supply and Demand. Google it!

Would I kid u?



Tuesday, May 23, 2023

I’m Mad Again

I wanted to put a Credit Freeze on my account with the 3 Credit Services. Before I was done (took a very long time to jump through all of their hoops) I was not thinking too kindly of one of my Friendly Credit Services...

A Hoop...By clicking "Submit and Continue": I accept and agree to your Terms of Use Agreement, as well as acknowledge receipt of your Privacy Policy. (If I want to get my Credit Freeze set up, I have to agree to their rules.)

Here are their rules...

A Hoop...I authorize FriendlyCreditServices.com, Inc., also referred to as ("FCS"), to obtain my credit report and/or credit score(s), on a recurring basis to:

  • Provide my credit report (and/or credit score) to me for review while I have an account with FCS.
  • Notify me of other products and services that may be available to me through FCS or through unaffiliated third parties. (I did the underlining.) I DON’T WANT THIS HARRASSMENT BUT HAVE NO CHOICE IF I WANT MY CREDIT FREEZE SET UP!
  • Notify me of credit opportunities and advertised credit offers. (I did the underlining.) I DON’T WANT THIS HARRASSMENT BUT HAVE NO CHOICE IF I WANT MY CREDIT FREEZE SET UP!

I’m being shoved around by the Friendly People at FCS but I started to come up with a plan because I still thought they might be my Friends.

I decided to read through their Friendly Terms of Use Agreement. I am sure that somewhere in there there will be a place where they will allow me to state my Friendly Objection to their bombarding me with other products and services that may be available to me through FCS or through unaffiliated third parties and notify me of credit opportunities and advertised credit offers. I DON’T WANT THIS HARRASSMENT BUT HAVE NO CHOICE IF I WANT MY CREDIT FREEZE SET UP!


It’s time for a Fella In Other Words...In other words they are forcing me to give them permission to harass me with time consuming interruptions to my day that (because of the Internet Interruption Filled World we live in) is already full of time consuming interruptions!

Oh, I almost forgot, (that’s a Fella Lie because I always intended to put this Fella Tirade right here in this Blog Posting)...

FCS’ Terms of Use Agreement is 26,045 words long!

If there is an exception in there somewhere, what do you think are my chances of finding that exception in 26,045 words?

Would I kid u?



Friday, May 19, 2023

Say It Ain't So, Joe!


Uncle Joe is here visiting with me today and when I showed him the stats below he said, "Come on, man!"

Over the last year, Malwarebytes protected our loyal customers like you from the following threats:

Adware 16,917,174 & Trojan 6,637,893 & Cryptojacking 6,632,817 & Ransomware 3,287,326

Uncle Joe did not say he could fix the problem but it lessened my pain when he said he felt my pain.

Would Malwarebytes exaggerate such numbers to get me to renew my subscription? Yea, I guess it’s possible they did because Lying, Cheating, Exaggerating, Fibbing, Bending the Truth a Little and a Lot is how we do things nowadays.

That having been said, think about these numbers. Malwarebytes is claiming that they had to come to its subscriber’s rescue 33,475,210 times in one single year! Malwarebytes Must Be Exhausted!

Is anybody getting caught for doing all of this? Is anyone going on trail? Is anyone going to jail?

If the computer world had come along in the 1940’s we would all be in Iron Lungs because Dr. Jonas Salk would have been offered a lot of money to stop doing Polio Research so he could go work in some bad guy’s garage.

Have you ever wondered why you don’t hear about Bank Robberies any longer? It’s because the would-have-been bank robbers are making a lot more money (than they ever could have made by robbing banks) by pecking at computers while sitting in X-Chairs Drinking Little Fruity Drinks with umbrellas in them as they work on ways to take our money from us.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: If they (whoever “they” are) are catching any of these bad guys, they ought to publicize it in the news. It seems like the hackers are winning and we are just waiting for Football Season to start and hoping, when it does start, we will have enough money left to pay cable TV bill.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Most of Us Don’t Yet Know About Artificial Intelligence (AI) but In Years to Come Many of Us Are Going To Be Amazed By It and Many of Us Will Be Harmed By It

Below are 3 True Lies...

Ø I just listened to an Audio Recording from Ernest Hemingway in which he praised my Foolishness...Or Is It Blog for its Great Humor, its Hard Hitting Addressing of Important Subject Matter and Magnificent Word Usage and Sentence Construction.

Ø I just listened to an Audio Recording from General George S. Patton telling me he very much enjoyed my recent presentation about Helicopter Medical Evacuation in Vietnam. He told me how he wished he had had the opportunity to utilize Dustoff Medical Evacuation when he was in command of the 3rd Army during World War ll.

Ø I just listened to an Audio Recording from Babe Ruth telling me how I could have been a better home run hitter than he was if I only were bigger, had better eye-hand coordination, were not so clumsy fielding ground balls, had better developed muscles, could run faster than I can and did not strike out as often as I do.

All 3 bullets above are completely false but the fact that 3 famous people (Hemingway, Patton and Ruth) are heard to say the words makes them sound very believable. How can it be that these people who never said these things are heard saying these things? The reason they are heard saying what they did not say is because such audio recordings can now we created by AI thanks to something Microsoft has come up with called VALL-E.

Here is an excerpt from a very long and confusing article (article link below) that tries to explain all of it...

On January 5, 2023, Microsoft researchers announced a new text-to-speech AI model called VALL-E that can closely simulate a person's voice when given a three-second audio sample. Once it learns a specific voice, VALL-E can synthesize audio of that person saying anything—and do it in a way that attempts to preserve the speaker's emotional tone.

You can read but probably not understand all about it by clicking below: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/01/microsofts-new-ai-can-simulate-anyones-voice-with-3-seconds-of-audio/


Here is how we could be harmed by VALL-E...

(Yea, in bullet point format, yea, 3 bullet points and yea, I’m in a rut.)

Ø A Presidential Candidate could be knocked our the race because the day before the election a recording could be broadcasted over the nightly news wherein the candidate says he has always dreamed about bringing about the destruction of the Good Ole USofA and once elected President he plans to do exactly that.

Ø The defendant in a murder trial could hear a recording of himself saying his is guilty as hell and he is glad he killed who he killed but who he did not kill.

Ø God (sounding a lot like Charlton Heston) saying the people who made it to heaven and much happier than he ever thought possible because they have all been given a copy of my Little Read Book (https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/foolishnessor-is-it-alexander-j-ortolano/1115522360) and they are reading it over and over (while they eat their Cannoli). He also said He is certain it is not the eating of the Cannoli that is making them eternally happy (but it sure helps).

Would I kid u?


Sunday, May 14, 2023

I Started To Tear Up With Emotion!


I was driving my car and I was approaching a Cemetery on the right side of the road. Just inside the fence I saw a sight that started tears of sadness and sympathy welling up into my eyes. Could it be what I thought I was seeing? ...

Ø There were two grief stricken mourners sitting in two canvas chairs next to a new grave which was still covered with flowers.

Ø They were slumped over as if their grief was too much for them to hold themselves upright.

Ø I had the urge to stop my car and climb the fence and give each of them a big hug.

Ø I wanted to tell them that all would be better in time.

Ø I wanted to tell them something like, “Chin Up. Your sorrow shows that your loss was great but it is also proof positive that the person you lost must have been very special!”

Then as I got real close all of my sympathy for these two jerks was gone in an instant.

I realized why they were really slumped over and I found myself saying to myself, “I sure hope their Recently Dearly Beloved Departed was distracted wherever he was and he was not seeing his Not Yet Dearly Departed "Beloved" both Looking At and Pecking at Their Smartphones!”

Would I kid u?



Tuesday, May 09, 2023

I’m Going To Give You Almonds For Free!

Mr. Hershey said to Mrs. Hershey, “Catherine, the Hershey Bar is great but I need to make it better. I’ve decided the best way to do that is to Add Almonds to it. The people around the world have been very loyal to the Hershey Bar all these many years and I mean to reward them by inserting Almonds and not even charging for the Almonds. Yes, my dear, you heard me right, I’m adding Almonds and I am leaving the price at only 5 cents!”

My Dear Readers, this Blog Posting is not an attempt to make Milton Hershey look deceptive. It’s just a Fella Way to bring to you an Interesting Morsel of Chocolate History.

Having written the second paragraph above, I am admitting that the first paragraph above was completely made up by Fella. The next paragraph is completely true but it ties in quite nicely with the untrue first paragraph, don’t ya think?

The Interesting Morsel of Chocolate History...

The first Hershey’s chocolate bars with almonds were produced in 1908 because they were cheap to make. The nuts took the place of some of the more expensive milk chocolate, which meant Hershey’s could keep the price of the candy at a nickel.

Ain’t that a hoot!

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: The Second Bunch of Bolded Text above came from Mental Floss... https://www.mentalfloss.com/amazingfactgenerator/553536/first-hersheys-chocolate-bars-almonds-were-produced-1908-because-they-were-cheap-make

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Mr. Anonymous Can Get You Fired!

Mr. Anonymous gets people fired often. Below is a Hodgepodge of excerpts from one single article about the Firing of Tucker Carlson. If you are glad he was fired, try your best to not concentrate on your gladness. This Blog Posting asks you to think about the fairness of taking such dramatic and life changing actions against anyone without identifying who the accuser is.

Mr. Anonymous remains Anonymous in this one single article over and over...

Ø ...people familiar with the matter said...

Ø ...one of the people said...

Ø ...the people said...

Ø ...according to a person familiar with the matter...

Ø ...Private messages sent by Mr. Carlson to colleagues...(Be careful what you say “in private”.)

Ø ...In a private text-message exchange about two weeks after Election Day...(Be careful what you say “in private”.)

Ø ...according to one document...

Ø ...Mr. Carlson wrote in another text message to a colleague, according to court documents...(Be careful what you say “in private”.)

Ø ...people familiar with the matter said...

Ø ...they said...

Ø ...people familiar with the matter said...

Ø ...Much of the communications were redacted in court documents but became known internally to senior Fox management, they said...(Fella, wonders if Mr. Anonymous had anything to do with these communications becoming known?)

Ø ...Mr. Carlson also complained to a colleague...(Be careful what you say “in private”.)

Are you still glad he was fired? I’m still going to ask you to think about the fairness of destroying any person’s livelihood based on Hearsay, Rumor, Half Truths or Even Outright Lies.

Think of it this way...How would you feel if the job lost was your job?


I’m now going to do one of my 3 Bullet Point Examples. What if Dudley Do-Right lost his job because...

Ø  Complete lies about Dudley were left on the computer of Dudley’s boss by an identified someone who had an unbridled hatred of Canadian Cartoon Mounties who ride their horse while sitting backwards?

Ø Lies made up by a computer because someone told their laptop, “Make up believable lies about Dudley Do-Right.

Ø Deep Throat, late at night in that dark garage, handed the final damning goods on Richard Nixon to those 2 Washington Post Reporters. It was 10 years later the 2 Washington Post Reporters found out that Deep Throat was a terrible speller and he had misspelled “Richard Nixon” as “Dudley Do-Right”.


This is the last excerpt. I held it to last because it is Special. It was one of many transgressions of Mr. Carlson listed. I can’t figure out why this accusation is listed anywhere in any list other than a list of Silly Things That Happened in Washington, D.C.:

“Mr. Carlson also lamented changes made by candy giant Mars Inc. to different M&M mascots, including the decision to switch the green M&M’s footwear from boots to sneakers.”

That does it! How could he? Tucker Carlson had to be stopped!

Fella Final Thought: Do we spend too much time discussing accusations and too little time discussing whether or not the accusations are true?

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: The sixth amendment, as part of the Bill of Rights, guarantees certain rights in all criminal prosecutions. One of the enumerated rights in the 6th Amendment is the right to be confronted with the witnesses against the accused. This right is known as the Confrontation Clause. The confrontation clause guarantees criminal defendants the opportunity to face the prosecution's witnesses in the case against them and dispute the witnesses' testimony. This guarantee applies to both statements made in court and statements made outside of court that are offered as evidence during trial.

Monday, May 01, 2023

I Did Not Write This Blog...Actually This Is Not A Blog

Below you will find a Not a Blog. Oh well, it may be a Blog but it is certainly not my kind of Blog about Foolishness, on the other hand, it is certainly about Foolishness, sad Foolishness.

I am at a loss for words but that is because I have already read the article below. After you have read the article below, and if you have any words left, you can comment on this Not a Blog or you can start a Blog of your own and see how long it takes you to catch up with my 252,189 Blog Views and my more than 1,800 Blog Postings.


Here is the blog I did not write (highlighted in yellow)...

Woman Claims She Blinded Herself with Drain Cleaner to Fulfill Her Life-Long Dream of Being Disabled: 'I Should Have Been Blind from Birth'

"I went blind on purpose, but I don't feel it was a choice," Jewel Shuping said of her decision to blind herself

By Char Adams 

Published on October 1, 2015 04:45 PM


Ever since she was a little girl, Jewel Shuping dreamed of being blind. The North Carolina resident was born perfectly healthy, but she became so obsessed with losing her sight that at age 21, she took matters into her own hands.

Shuping claims that she had a psychologist pour drain cleaner in her eyes, then waited to seek medical attention. Afterwards, she gradually lost her eyesight and is now almost completely blind, she says.

“I really feel this is the way I was supposed to be born, that I should have been blind from birth,” the 30-year-old says.

Shuping has Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) – a rare condition causing able-bodied people to believe they are supposed to be disabled. She has long fantasized about being blind.

“When I was young, my mother would find me walking in the halls at night. When I was 3 or 4 years old,” Shuping recalls. “By the time I was 6 I remember that thinking about being blind made me feel comfortable.”

Shuping acquired a white cane in her teens and could read Braille fluently by the time she was 20. As the years progressed, so did her desire to be blind.

So, she decided to take matters into her own hands. In 2006, Shuping claims she found a sympathetic psychologist who agreed to pour drain cleaner into her eyes (the two first met for a few weeks to make sure Shuping was ready).

“It hurt, let me tell you. My eyes were screaming and I had some drain cleaner going down my cheek burning my skin,” Shuping says. “All I could think was, ‘I am going blind, it is going to be okay.’ ”

The two waited for 30 minutes before going to a hospital, where doctors worked to save Shuping’s eyesight. But the permanent damage was already done and, over the next six months, Shuping’s eyesight gradually faded.

Shuping has refused to name the psychologist who she says helped her blind herself.

“I was so happy, I felt that this was who I was supposed to be,” Shuping explains.

Shuping’s decision to blind herself put a strain on her relationship with her family. She initially told them she lost her eyesight in an accident, but upon learning the truth, Shuping’s mother and sister cut off contact with the her, she claims.

However, Shuping says she has never been happier and does not regret her decision – although she does not recommend her drastic method to others.

“Don’t go blind the way I did. I know there is a need, but perhaps someday there will be treatment for it,” Shuping said. “People with BIID get trains to run over their legs, freeze dry their legs or fall off cliffs to try to paralyze themselves.

“It’s very dangerous. And they need professional help.”

Now Shuping, who is studying education, wants to both raise public awareness of the condition and help other blind people live independent lives.

She admitted that she understands why some people would be angry about her deliberately blinding herself. But, she says, “the way I became disabled doesn’t really matter.”

“I went blind on purpose, but I don’t feel it was a choice.”


This is the part of my Blog where I say something Incisive or Brilliant or Stupid but this time I don’t know what to say. Now you may understand why I said at the top of this Not a Blog Posting that I was at a Loss for Words.

Would I kid u?
