Tuesday, May 23, 2023

I’m Mad Again

I wanted to put a Credit Freeze on my account with the 3 Credit Services. Before I was done (took a very long time to jump through all of their hoops) I was not thinking too kindly of one of my Friendly Credit Services...

A Hoop...By clicking "Submit and Continue": I accept and agree to your Terms of Use Agreement, as well as acknowledge receipt of your Privacy Policy. (If I want to get my Credit Freeze set up, I have to agree to their rules.)

Here are their rules...

A Hoop...I authorize FriendlyCreditServices.com, Inc., also referred to as ("FCS"), to obtain my credit report and/or credit score(s), on a recurring basis to:

  • Provide my credit report (and/or credit score) to me for review while I have an account with FCS.
  • Notify me of other products and services that may be available to me through FCS or through unaffiliated third parties. (I did the underlining.) I DON’T WANT THIS HARRASSMENT BUT HAVE NO CHOICE IF I WANT MY CREDIT FREEZE SET UP!
  • Notify me of credit opportunities and advertised credit offers. (I did the underlining.) I DON’T WANT THIS HARRASSMENT BUT HAVE NO CHOICE IF I WANT MY CREDIT FREEZE SET UP!

I’m being shoved around by the Friendly People at FCS but I started to come up with a plan because I still thought they might be my Friends.

I decided to read through their Friendly Terms of Use Agreement. I am sure that somewhere in there there will be a place where they will allow me to state my Friendly Objection to their bombarding me with other products and services that may be available to me through FCS or through unaffiliated third parties and notify me of credit opportunities and advertised credit offers. I DON’T WANT THIS HARRASSMENT BUT HAVE NO CHOICE IF I WANT MY CREDIT FREEZE SET UP!


It’s time for a Fella In Other Words...In other words they are forcing me to give them permission to harass me with time consuming interruptions to my day that (because of the Internet Interruption Filled World we live in) is already full of time consuming interruptions!

Oh, I almost forgot, (that’s a Fella Lie because I always intended to put this Fella Tirade right here in this Blog Posting)...

FCS’ Terms of Use Agreement is 26,045 words long!

If there is an exception in there somewhere, what do you think are my chances of finding that exception in 26,045 words?

Would I kid u?




Anonymous said...

Greetings! It seems like you're feeling frustrated, my friend. In such situations, I have discovered that taking a peaceful stroll through the woods or practicing meditation can be quite beneficial. Additionally, to identify the source of information selling, you can cleverly incorporate a subtle detail in your address, like using "123 Main StrEEt" (with double caps). This way, you'll be able to recognize when it's the very same entity that sold your information. Whenever you receive unwanted solicitations, a simple solution is to write "return to sender" on the envelope. Granted, this approach may consume some of your time and utilize USPS resources, but it serves as a means for you to communicate that their insistence on making you click a box has repercussions for them. Alternatively, you could opt to directly contact them, thus bypassing all the trouble.

Anonymous said...

I used to think freezing my credit was a hassle, but I was wrong. I fell for a scam and lost everything. Here's what happened:

I received an email from someone claiming to be a Nigerian prince…I know that everyone knows about this scam but didn’t. The email said that the prince had left me a fortune in gold, and all I had to do was send him some money to cover the taxes. I almost didn’t believe him, but I was also desperate for money, so I gave him my social security number.

A few weeks later, I realized that I had been scammed. The prince was a fake, and the money I had sent him was gone. I tried to contact the police, but they said there was nothing they could do. Losers.

I was devastated. I had lost everything. I had to move out of my house and into a tiny apartment. I had to get a job at a fast food restaurant - which is fine as I get free food.

I learned a lesson that day. I learned that I should never trust anyone even nice sounding Nigerians with an accent, and I should always protect my credit. I had tried to freeze my credit, but it was too late. The scammer had already used my social security number to open a credit card in my name and max it out. To tell you the truth, I’m not sure how he got so much money because my credit was already crappy.

I urge you to learn from my mistake. Freeze your credit today or you’ll be drinking freeze dried coffee. It's a small price to pay for piece of mind.