Sunday, May 14, 2023

I Started To Tear Up With Emotion!


I was driving my car and I was approaching a Cemetery on the right side of the road. Just inside the fence I saw a sight that started tears of sadness and sympathy welling up into my eyes. Could it be what I thought I was seeing? ...

Ø There were two grief stricken mourners sitting in two canvas chairs next to a new grave which was still covered with flowers.

Ø They were slumped over as if their grief was too much for them to hold themselves upright.

Ø I had the urge to stop my car and climb the fence and give each of them a big hug.

Ø I wanted to tell them that all would be better in time.

Ø I wanted to tell them something like, “Chin Up. Your sorrow shows that your loss was great but it is also proof positive that the person you lost must have been very special!”

Then as I got real close all of my sympathy for these two jerks was gone in an instant.

I realized why they were really slumped over and I found myself saying to myself, “I sure hope their Recently Dearly Beloved Departed was distracted wherever he was and he was not seeing his Not Yet Dearly Departed "Beloved" both Looking At and Pecking at Their Smartphones!”

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You caught me I never even thought about that endin- u hooked me it and I could feel your emotions I thought the ending was both had after the burial