Saturday, October 03, 2020

Renaming Colleges, Buildings, Anything and Everything A Mob Gets A Hankering To Rename Is In the Constitution, and Even If It’s Not, It Ought to Be

Fella thinks the above Subject covers it all...Or does it? This Blog Posting has this to say about that, “Not so fast, Fella. What about People?”


I felt so sorry for him. He looked so sad and downright bewildered as they put that net over him and took him away.

He was still holding a still dripping paint brush in one hand, a can of spray paint in the other hand and a Marks-A-Lot Jumbo Permanent Marker between his teeth and he was mumbling around the Marker, “I don’t know what to do. There must be a way forward. It’s just not fair”.

Officer Krupke was there (he’s always there). I asked him what the netted guy’s dilemma was. He knew the answer (he knows everything), “He really wanted to change that guy’s name and he was stumped about whether he should or even whether he could change his name”.

Still confused I pressed on, “What guy’s name?”

Officer Krupke, sounded a lot like Sergeant Joe Friday when he replied, “That George Washington Carver Fella, Fella”.

Would I kid u?


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