Wednesday, October 07, 2020

I Saw It On The Internet, Therefore, I Know It’s True...Or is it?

Skimming is authorized for this Blog Posting because there is a lot to read in this one. However, I must warn you that Skimming with Reckless Abandon may result in you missing some Interesting Foolishness. 


Fella takes no position on either side of the 3 Issues presented in this Blog Posting. I simply want to know where I can go to find out the Truth. As you will see below the Internet is not that place.

On the other hand, finding the truth can be dangerous. Oedipus spent his whole play seeking out the Truth, and when he found it, he gouged out his own eyes.

On the other other hand, in defense of Oedipus, finding out you had Killed Your Father and Married Your Mother is a Truth that is hard to come to grips with.


Example #1: Coffee Will Kill You...Or will it?

Coffee Is Bad For You... 

Ø Increases the risks of Insomnia, Anxiety and Depression.

Ø Increases Hypertension and Heart Attack Incidence.

Ø Does not truly relieve Constipation.

Ø May increase the risk of Cancer.

Ø Reduces Fertility.

Ø May cause Miscarriages and Impair Fetal Development.

Coffee Is Good For You...

Ø Is good for Constipation.

Ø Is good for Kidneys.

Ø Is good for Blood Pressure.

Ø Can help you Burn Fat and Improves Physical Performance.

Ø May drastically lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Ø May lower your risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Ø May be extremely good for your Liver.

Ø May decrease your Risk of Premature Death.

Ø Is loaded with Nutrients and Antioxidants.

And there is this good news for people who think one cup of coffee in the morning just isn’t enough—by drinking at least four cups of coffee a day, you’ll reduce your risk of death by 64% compared to people who don’t drink any.


Example #2: Bacon Will Kill You...Or will it?

Bacon is bad for you...

Ø For decades, nutritionists have been concerned about the health effects of Bacon and other Processed Meats.

Ø Many observational studies have associated a high intake of processed meat with Cancer and Heart Disease.

Ø In particular, processed meat has been associated with Colon, Breast, Liver and Lung Cancers.

Bacon is good for you...

Ø The Protein found in bacon is extremely valuable in Maintaining our Energy Levels.

Ø Protein also goes a long way helping to develop and maintain a Fully Functioning Healthy Body.

Ø If you suffer from Inflammation, bacon is your best friend because of its high monounsaturated fat content bacon can Improve Tryglycerides and Lower Blood Pressure.

Ø Bacon is loaded with saturated fat. Your brain, which is mostly made up of Saturated Fat and Cholesterol, is a fatty acid powerhouse. 

Ø Bacon is full of a vital nutrient called “choline,” which helps increase our intelligence and memory. Studies have shown that choline improves memory, intelligence testing and Reduces the Speed of Damage to the Brain from Dementia.

Ø Bacon has one of the highest amounts of essential amino acids (meaning your body needs them but can’t make them) out there, including Tryptophan (important for brain health), Leucine (builds muscles) and Glutamic Acid (essential for your nervous system).

Ø From bacon, we receive: 65% of our Recommended Daily Intake of Thiamin (Vitamin B1) as well as 47% of our Niacin (Vitamin B3), 38% of our Vitamin B12, 36% of our Zinc, 24% of our Vitamin B6, 22% of our Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), 22% of our Phosphorus, 10% of our Pantothenate, 10% of our Magnesium and 9% of our Iron.

Ø The Protein to Fat Balance in bacon is actually 4 to 1, which is one of the highest protein to fat balances found in any meat, fish or fowl found on Earth.

Ø Bacon is a Natural Mood Enhancer that helps encourage positive mental states.

Ø Bacon contains Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which are the same nutrients found in fish. The healthy benefits of Omega Fatty Acids are the Reduced Cholesterol and Improved Overall Health in the Heart. 

Ø Several studies show that the Omega-3 Fatty Acids and “choline” found in bacon can actually Protect the Heart.


Example #Last: Polar Bears Are Going Out of Existence...Or are they?


One of the most frequent myths we hear about polar bears is that their numbers are increasing and have, in fact, more than doubled over the past thirty years. This is not true...

Ø Polar bear habitat is disappearing due to global warming.

Ø Even the most careful on-the-ground management doesn't matter if polar bears don't have the required habitat.

Ø Polar bears depend on the sea ice surface to efficiently catch their seal prey.

Ø A shorter duration of ice cover over their productive hunting areas means less opportunity to hunt.

Ø A reduction in sea ice has been statistically linked to reduced stature and weight in polar bears and to lower survival rates of cubs.

Ø Declining habitat now and the assurance it will decline in the future is why polar bears were listed as a threatened species.

Ø Planetary physics require the world to warm as greenhouse gas concentrations rise, so without greenhouse gas mitigation, the ice will continue to melt.

Ø As the ice decline continues, the plight of the polar bear only can worsen.


Polar Bear numbers reach new highs and their population has increased to the highest levels in decades...

Ø A new paper written by zoologist Dr Susan Crockford has found that global polar bear numbers have continued to rise.

Ø Polar bears are continuing to thrive, despite recent reductions in sea ice levels.

Ø This finding contradicts claims by environmentalists and some scientists that falls in sea ice would wipe out bear populations.

Ø There is now very little evidence to support the idea that the polar bear is threatened with extinction by climate change.

Ø We now know that polar bears are very resourceful creatures. They have made it through warm periods in the past and they seem to be taking the current warming in their stride too. 

Ø Numbers have been steadily increasing since 2005, with 2018 data estimating the highest number of polar bears globally since they were protected by international treaty in 1973.

Ø Numbers are so high that Inuit Leaders have been pleading with the Canadian Government for more polar bear population control as violent attacks against native populations have dramatically risen in recent years.

Ø Despite marked declines in summer sea ice, Chukchi Sea polar bears continue to thrive: reports from the first population-size estimate for the region, performed in 2016, show bears in the region are abundant (almost 3000 individuals), healthy and reproducing well.

Ø National Geographic received such a profound backlash from its widely viewed ‘this is what climate change looks like’ starving polar bear video of a Polar Bear Dying of Old Age, released in late 2017, that in 2018 it made a formal public apology for spreading misinformation.
>>>Here is the video:

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Your doctor has just finished telling you all the things you Should Not Eat. You say, “Doctor, you have just told me not to eat every food that is Tasty and Delicious”. You doctor replies, “That’s true, and if you think of anything else Tasty and Delicious that I did not mention, don’t eat that either”.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The next question is “where was the polar bear when he/she drank bacon flavored coffee?”