Friday, August 07, 2020

We Must Have Empathy For Those That Can’t Cut The Mustard!

The people who don’t have the ability to accomplish much of anything in life are always made to feel badly because society has labeled them as failures.

This is unfair! Failures are people too! Put yourself in their shoes! How would you feel if you were not worth a chit?

We now understand the awful predicament these underachievers have to suffer through and the good people at Mediocre R Us have started finalizing compromises with various organizations to begin to rectify this Societal Persecution.

The Medical Community was one of the first targets that Mediocre R Us determined it was going to “fix” and the American Medical Association recently issued this Press Release...

“We now understand that Failing Medical Students have a desire to succeed as strong as any of the brilliant students in their class. Their disappointment at not being able to measure up is extreme to say the least. We now understand that the only thing that has been standing between them and their Life-Long Dream was the minor formality of a Numerical Passing Grade.

In recognition of their Extreme Effort and their Unbounded Desire to Succeed, we are proud to announce that we have come up with a new grade to replace the Heartless Failing Grades from the past.

We will now be presenting every one of our failed students with a Passing Failing Grade and each of them will now receive their Brain Surgeon Diploma.

Our New Mottos Is...Failure Is Not An Option In Our Brain Surgery Schools!

The American Medical Association is confident that each person with a problem inside their head looks forward with great hope and anticipation to have their brains worked on by these Less Skilled but Eager to Give You Their Best Surgeons.”


It is wonderful to remember that all of this Feel Good Enlightenment started 35 years ago when the first Participation Trophies were presented on the Soccer Fields of the Good Ole USofA.

Major Strides of Enlightenment begin small. At the time they may seem like Baby Steps but they are really the Giant Strides of Compassionate Progress!

Would I kid u?




Anonymous said...

Now that’s scary!!!!

Alessandro Rosolino Ortolano said...

You asked the question and, yes, THIS is foolishness. I'm going to have to start asking for a raise every time I screw up at work.