Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Mujebar, Go Outside and Fix Telephone Wire #33 From The Left

Here is a picture of the chaos that is communication wires over a street in India...

Would I kid u?


Anonymous said...

I think it’s “PAULO, go outside and fix the telephone wire, #33 from the left” . The sign on the right is in Portuguese “credit cards in installments”. Looks like Sao Paulo Brazil.

India is much more advanced electronically. How else would we get all that great customer assistance in the good old US of A!

SmartFella? said...

Mr. Anonymous, my apologies to India.

You have pointed out that India is not the only place that has gone Electrically Haywire.

For the Blog Posting, I searched on something like “picture of telephone wires in India” & got something like this… (Copy & paste, if you have to.)




Actually the first time I saw such Wiring Madness like this was in Rome.
