I guess this qualifies as Foolishness but it’s not Funny...Or
is it?
Where have I been? I did not know this was an issue. I did
not know this was going on. Why is this an ongoing issue?

I just heard that the Black National Anthem is going to be
played at today’s Super Bowl. I went online to see if this was really true only
to find out that, not only is it really true, but this divisive issue has been
with us for several years and I thought I knew what was going on in the Good
Ole USofA.
Looking at the bright side, it could be worse. What would be
worse would be if the National Anthem were not played at all.
Oh my gosh, it has been worse and I did not know about that
Last year at the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament the National Anthem
was not played at all. Instead, what was played was the Black National Anthem
and America the Beautiful.
America the Beautiful is a beautiful patriotic song but that’s
not the point. The point is it’s not Our National Anthem.
Maybe what we need is the National Anthem of Every Country
in the United Nations be sung before the game can begin. We need to be mindful
that the people at the game or not at the game from the likes of...
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Saint Kitts and Nevis
The Democratic Republic of São Tomé
...and so on and so forth are people too and they will be
sorely offended when they come to the realization after the singing is done
that their tune had not been sung.
After all, there are only 193 Countries in The United Nations.
It won’t take long for each country to have its chance to be proud. Then there
will probably still be enough time left for some football.
Yea, I’m being silly...Or am I?
Would I kid u?
Lagniappe: Oops! I forgot Grand Fenwick...
Lagniappe Another: Moving on from Foolish to Downright Stupid...
- A
ticket to the Super Bowl in 1967 cost $10, or just over $90 adjusted
for inflation.
- As of
Wednesday, the average price of tickets was $8,600.
- Last
week, seats were going for more than $12,000.
- Resellers
have been asking up to $45,000 a ticket.
- A
20-person suite will run you a cool $1.8 million, including the cost of
tickets as well as food and alcoholic beverages.
- A more
modest 8-seat accommodation plus tickets and amenities is going
for $330,000.
- A “cheap”
4-seater suite can be had for $150,000.
Here's what 30-second Super Bowl ads have cost through
the years:
Super Bowl I, 1967 – $37,500
Super Bowl II, 1968 – $54,500
Super Bowl III, 1969 – $55,000
Super Bowl IV, 1970 – $78,200
Super Bowl V, 1971 – $72,500
Super Bowl VI, 1972 – $86,100
Super Bowl VII, 1973 – $88,100
Super Bowl VIII, 1974 – $103,500
Super Bowl IX, 1975 – $107,000
Super Bowl X, 1976 – $110,000
Super Bowl XI, 1977 – $125,000
Super Bowl XII, 1978 –$162,300
Super Bowl XIII, 1979 – $185,000
Super Bowl XIV, 1980 – $222,000
Super Bowl XV, 1981 – $275,000
Super Bowl XVI, 1982 – $324,300
Super Bowl XVII, 1983 – $400,000
Super Bowl XVIII, 1984 – $368,200
Super Bowl XIX, 1985 – $525,000
Super Bowl XX, 1986 – $550,000
Super Bowl XXI, 1987 – $600,000
Super Bowl XXII, 1988 – $645,500
Super Bowl XXIII, 1989 – $675,500
Super Bowl XXIV, 1990 – $700,400
Super Bowl XXV, 1991 – $800,000
Super Bowl XXVI, 1992 – $850,000
Super Bowl XXVII, 1993 – $850,000
Super Bowl XXVIII, 1994 – $900,000
Super Bowl XXIX, 1995 – $1.15 million
Super Bowl XXX, 1996 – $1.085 million
Super Bowl XXXI, 1997 – $1.2 million
Super Bowl XXXII, 1998 – $1.29 million
Super Bowl XXXIII, 1999 – $1.6 million
Super Bowl XXXIV, 2000 – $2.1 million
Super Bowl XXXV, 2001 – $2.2 million
Super Bowl XXXVI, 2002 – $2.2 million
Super Bowl XXXVII, 2003 – $2.2 million
Super Bowl XXXVIII, 2004 – $2.3 million
Super Bowl XXXIX, 2005 – $2.4 million
Super Bowl XL, 2006 – $2.5 million
Super Bowl XLI, 2007 – $2.385 million
Super Bowl XLII, 2008 – $2.699 million
Super Bowl XLIII, 2009 – $2.999 million
Super Bowl XLIV, 2010 – $2.954 million
Super Bowl XLV, 2011 – $3.1 million
Super Bowl XLVI, 2012 – $3.5 million
Super Bowl XLVII, 2013 – $3.8 million
Super Bowl XLVIII, 2014 – $4 million
Super Bowl XLIX, 2015 – $4.25 million
Super Bowl 50, 2016 – $4.5 million
Super Bowl LI, 2017 – $5 million
Super Bowl LII, 2018 – $5.2 million
Super Bowl LIII, 2019 – $5.3 million
Super Bowl LIV, 2020 – $5.6 million
Super Bowl LV, 2021 – $5.5 million
Super Bowl LVI, 2022 – $6.5 million
Super Bowl LVII, 2023 – $7 million*
Super Bowl LVIII, 2024 – $7 million*
*I’m relieved to see that Ad Inflation is under control.