Friday, December 09, 2022

Final Notice...Or is it?


If you are like me the daily mail comes in each day chock full of opportunities to spend (throw away?) your money...

Ø Political contributions

Ø Contributions to children’s hospitals

Ø Contributions to the people devastated by the most recent hurricane

Ø Contributions to military organizations

Ø Extended car warranties

Ø Contributions to send My Pillow Slippers to the homeless in San Francisco

Ø Political contributions

Ø Contributions to keep Jews from starving to death in Israel

Ø Extended home warranties

Ø Contributions to research for every kind of disease you can imagine

Ø Political contributions

Ø Chances to win stuff

Ø Requests to buy my house

Ø Contributions to the people who are going to be devastated by the next hurricane

Ø Political contributions

Many annoying envelopes like Extended Home Warranties and Extended Car Warranties tell me that this is their Final Notice to me. They threaten me that, if I don’t give them my money now, they will not take my money later.

There was a time in my Silly past where I actually thought to myself...If I give them money now they will take me off their list. Little did I know that the Next Time Letter was already in the mail as I was writing my check in response to the This Time Letter.

I wish I could sue them for Envelope Falsification or Excruciating Annoyance or Unnecessary Wear and Tear on My Shredder.

Would I kid u?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that with all the contributions info. you get to give your money away --- you get the opportunity to spend money in an ad at the end of your posting. GIVE,GIVE, GIVE and SPEND, SPENT, SPEND. Keep the politicians in office and keep the economy alive. And finally the sex definitions titles in your last posting. New words for the dictionary. What a wonderful life in America. I now keep my doors locked and my kids in the basement under lock and key.
Bionic Deep Thinker