The Internet just told me about all the Big Ships (both US
Navy Ships and Merchant Marine Ships) our Government has in "mothballs" and that
got me to thinking. When I get to thinking oftentimes a Blog Posting comes out
of me.
“The United States Navy maintains a number of its ships as part of
a reserve fleet, often called the "Mothball Fleet". While the
details of the maintenance activity have changed several times, the basics are
constant: keep the ships afloat and sufficiently working as to be reactivated
quickly in an emergency.
In some cases (for instance, at the outset of the Korean War),
many ships were successfully reactivated at a considerable savings in time and
money. The usual fate of ships in the reserve fleet, though, is to become too
old and obsolete to be of any use, at which point they are sold for scrapping or
are scuttled in weapons tests.
Merchant ships held in reserve are managed as part of the
separate National Defense Reserve Fleet within
Maritime Administration).”
It is Fella’s Opinion that Our Rulers ought to take the bull
by the horns and put these ships to more productive use than just floating and waiting
for another war. They should pass a law that will release all of these ships
from mothballs and put them to good use here and now...
Ø Turn
them into floating cities.
Ø Fill
them up with all the green people who are growing more and more unhappy with
the Good Ole USofA every passing day.
Ø This
way, no matter how high the seas get, they will never even get the bottom of their feet wet
because they will be above it all.
Ø They
will also have the added bonus of fair weather all the time because, if the
weather starts to look like it’s going to become unfair, they can just sail
away to where the weather is more fair.
I can hear you thinking that we need these ships for the
emergencies of the future. On that point I think that Congress ought to take
Bold Action now to prevent the need for Bold Action in the future. Congress
should send a Tweet to all the Mean Governments on Earth telling them in the
future we will no longer accept their Meanness and telling them To Be Nice.
That ought to do it.
This Blog Posting idea came to me unsolicited from Bionic
Bob. He may not remember that he sent it to me because he sent it a long time
ago. I filed it away that long time ago and I stumbled across it a short time
ago (yesterday).
Because of this Blog Posting Bionic Bob is now as famous as
I am famous but that ain’t much, but come to think of it, he is now more famous
than all of my other Dear Readers who did not send me any Silly Ideas.
So, if you want to become a little bit famous, send me a
Silly Idea and maybe a few people will know who you are someday.
I also have heard that there are a lot of Cruise Ships that
are having a hard time finding Cruising People to sit in them. I think our 9%
Approval Rated Silly Congress ought to include these empty Cruise Ships in Bob’s
Silly Idea.
However, I would not get your hopes up about getting
assigned to one of these Floating Palaces. Remember Congress passes the laws in
the Good Ole USofA. I would be shocked if the Cruise Ships were not packed to
the gills with Members of Congress and people who “help” Members of Congress
all become millionaires while in office who were not millionaires before they
were in office.
Did you just ask yourself, “How is
it that they all become millionaires?” Let me say this about that, it’s because
of something called, Congressional
Using a Member of the House of Representatives as an easy to
understand example...
Ø Net
worth when elected = $256,589.
Ø Been
in the House 6 years.
Ø Salary
each year $174,000.
Ø $174,000
X 6 years = $1,044,000.
Ø If
they add their Net Worth when elected ($256,589) to the above 6 Years of the
Congressman’s Salary ($1,044,000), Congressional Arithmetic says the
Congressman’s New Net Worth is $4,276,793.
More simply stated:
$256,589 + $1,044,000 = $4,276,793.
I hope this helps you understand.
Would I kid u?