Sunday, October 09, 2022

It Took Me Awhile but I Figured It Out

We have all seen TV Ads for those New and Improved Miracle Shrinking Garden Hoses which, after you turn them off, shrink to a size that can be safely stored in a tooth cavity until the next time you need them. 

I have now bought 3 of them because I was silly enough to believe the TV Commercial that promised me they were New and Improved. Each purchase ended up in disappointment because they all ended up leaking. 

This Blog Posting is here to tell you that #3 is the Hose Caboose...

Ø I had my New and Improved Miracle Shrinking Garden Hose connected to a regular old-fashioned rubber garden hose which was connected to the faucet in the back yard.

Ø Normally I hardly ever go out into my back yard late at night but recently I did.

Ø Normally I don’t worry about birds late at night but this night I decided to put fresh water into the bird bath.

Ø I found the back yard flooded and the water was traveling down each side of the house into the street gutter.

Ø I found that the 2 hoses were still connected and the faucet was turned on but, if you have your garden hose connected to a faucet, and there are no leaks in the hose or hose connections you will not use any water, so where did the flood come from?

Ø I turned on the end of the hose but very little water came out, so where did the flood come from?

Ø I inspected down the New and Improved Miracle Shrinking Garden Hose and found it was leaking water but not a lot of water, so where did the flood come from?

Ø I inspected down the old-fashioned rubber garden hose and found it was kinked up in 3 places.

Ø I unkinked the kinks and the water gushed out of the hole in the New and Improved Miracle Shrinking Garden Hose.

Ø The hose had been in this kinked slow leaking state for 6 to 8 hours and had been slow leaking out of the hole in the New and Improved Miracle Shrinking Garden Hose all that time.

I just got my Water Bill. The prior month it had been $53. This month it was $101. Thank Heaven For The Kinks! Without them the hose would have been gushing full force for those 6 to 8 hours and I shudder to think what the bill would have been.

Irish Fighting A Flood

Since this is the Bottom here are the Bottom Lines...

Don’t Believe Those TV Commercials about the New and Improved Miracle Shrinking Garden Hoses being New and Improved

If You Have One Hooked Up In Your Back Yard, Turn Off the Faucet

If You Do Not Want To Turn Off The Faucet, Set Your Smartphone To Remind You To Check Your New and Improved Miracle Shrinking Garden Hose Every Hour On The Hour 24/7

Would I kid u?


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