Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Amazon Ought To Be Running the Country

We are on a well deserved vacation. Don’t ask me why this vacation is Well Deserved since I have been retired since 1998. It Just Is!

The day before I left home I received the message below from the people who charged me an exorbitant amount of money to rent the past-its-prime vacation rental unit I am sitting in as I peck out this Blog Posting.

It looked a lot better in the 42 pictures it showed me online.

The message said...

To enhance your vacation experience Acme Properties of Hilton Head (I changed its name to keep them from suing me) has equipped your vacation rental with me, a Table Top Computerized Voice Assistant. In addition to being able to assist you with booking your complimentary activities, it has incredible discounts and recommendations to the best local restaurants and attractions, as well as access to answers about your vacation rental. Just remember, it will only work within this particular home (So don’t bother stealing it...I added this parentheses.) 

You can ask me questions like,
"Alexa, what are my free activities?" or "Alexa, what is the Wi-Fi password?" or "Alexa, where is the best pizza place?"


Here are some things to think about...

Ø Think about how many people who own an Amazon Alexa Dot will have their knowledge of the capabilities of Alexa Expanded and go on to tell all their friends and neighbors to buy one!

Ø Think about how many people who don’t have an Amazon Alexa Dot will be exposed to the wonders of an Amazon Alexa Dot and go home and buy an Amazon Alexa Dot and go on to tell all their friends and neighbors to buy one also!

Ø Think about how many Vacation Rental Units there are in the Good Ole USofA who will now feel required to equip all their Vacation Rental Units with an Amazon Alexa Dot to stay competitive!

What I am trying to say is the people who run Amazon are Smart and they know how to make money!


By comparison think about what is going on every single day in our 9% Approval Rated Congress...

Ø Think about how every day our elected civil servants are elbowing each other out of the way in order to get into Happy Hour first.

Ø Think about how every day they are sitting in meetings where their sole reason for attendance is to deceive us as about what they are doing to us...Tax Increase changed to Revenue Enhancement, Tax Reduction changed to Lost Revenue or Pork Barrel Spending change to Earmarks (What the Heck Is That?).

Ø Think about how they only show up in their respective chambers to make their carefully worded (written by someone else) statements and do their best to not pay attention (ear plugs) to the carefully worded (written by someone else) statements delivered by opposition party members and they all leave as soon as their own carefully worded statements (written by someone else) have been delivered. (Opposition party members present are using ear plugs too. Let's be honest, everyone in the chamber is using ear plugs, including the person taking the word for word minutes of the proceedings for the Congressional Record).


As I pecked out this Blog Posting I became more and more convinced that Amazon could do a better job of running the country than our Congress is doing running the country. I got so pumped up about this ides that I called up Mr. Amazon and pitched him my idea directly.

At first, he was not convinced but when I told him, “Think about the profit there is in selling Ear Plugs to the Members of Congress!” he said, “I’ll do it!”

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When does Mr. Amazon start?