Thursday, October 13, 2022

Let’s Talk About What’s Inside My Head

Actually the above Subject should be, Let’s Talk About What’s Wrong About What’s Inside the Head Of That Really Smart Guy On My TV.

Maybe it’s my problem but I think it is amazing how confused and uninformed people can be. I am an exception to this problem because my head is full of it (useless information). 

I was watching one of my favorite Smart People on TV and he shocked me about a couple of pieces of Miscellaneous Trivia that he should have known because everyone must know this stuff...Or must they?

Here is what my highly respected smart news show guy did not know. I deliberately will not tell you who he is because you might tell him and he might sue me for letting the word out about how stupid he is. (Never forget there are far more lawyers in the Good Ole USofA than in any other country on Earth and Most of Them Got Only One A Grade in Law School and that course was, "First File Suit & Then Figure Out If You Have A Basis For Filing Suit".)...

  • He started talking about a great TV Series from the early days of In-Home Television called Dragnet.
  • He said the main character was Joe Webb and, of course, you and I know (or do you?) that the main character was not Joe Webb but was Joe Friday and he was played by Jack Webb.
  • He went on the praise the show to high heaven and make a comparison to our world of today by saying Joe Webb worked for the then highly respected Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and, of course, you and I know (or do you?) that Joe Friday worked for the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) back in the time when the LAPD was highly respected.

So what’s the point of all of this?...

  • First I wanted give you a taste of those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear when the CIA and the FBI could be trusted to always do the right thing and, if they didn’t, The Lone Ranger and Joe Friday were there to slap them around.
  • Second I wanted to expose you to one of the classic comedy sketches from those Thrilling Days of Early TV.
Don’t sue me. Exposing yourself is a crime but exposing you to a funny skit is not...Or is it not?

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Mike McMain said...

Joe Friday "Just the facts, Mam"