Did I just hear you say you don’t believe the above Subject is true? OK Mr. Smarty Pants, click here and Google It!... https://www.google.com/search?q=no+chase+policy&ei=D9WCYqiMO6vI_Qbvsb0g&ved=0ahUKEwjoz8u8jeX3AhUrZN8KHe9YDwQQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=no+chase+policy&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAEEcQsAMyBwgAELADEEMyBwgAELADEEMyBwgAELADEEMyCggAEOQCELADGAEyCggAEOQCELADGAEyCggAEOQCELADGAEyDAguEMgDELADEEMYAjIPCC4Q1AIQyAMQsAMQQxgCMg8ILhDUAhDIAxCwAxBDGAIyDAguEMgDELADEEMYAkoECEEYAEoECEYYAVAAWABgl09oAnABeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQDIARLAAQHaAQYIARABGAnaAQYIAhABGAg&sclient=gws-wiz
An example:
At the LCBO (Liquor
Control Board of Ontario) which consists of 660 stores. They have a no chase
policy. Thieves have figured out that they could just walk in and steal liquor
off the shelves and walk out and nobody would chase them.
The history...
Way back when, it used to be that you
would walk in the store and fill a form out with what you wanted to buy. You
would then pay for it and a clerk would get the product for you from the
storage room at the back. There was no display of product.
This evolved to open shelving with
product but offices in the middle with one way glass so you could be watched
but you could not see who was watching you.
They then evolved to just straight open
shelving and checkouts. This led to people just walking in and stealing liquor.
I am not one to say I Told You So (Or am I?) but I Told You So way back on March 22, 2007...https://forii.blogspot.com/2007/03/deadly-pursuits.html
Now I ask you, is that not a Smart Blog Posting or what? Who would have known at the time that I was as Smart as I was? That was 15 years and 2 months ago! I was so young and I was already that Smart! Since then I have Matured. Now I am Matured and Smart. My Blogging must certainly be better...Or is it?
Would I kid u?
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