Saturday, May 14, 2022

For Heaven’s Sake Don’t Think for a Second That I Am Criticizing My Grandchildren

My two youngest grandchildren are really smart but their problem is they are really young. All grandchildren start out that way. I am confident that one or the other of them will be President of the Good Ole USofA someday and the other will be the Vice President to the one or the other of them that is the President.

Now that I have covered myself so I won’t be accused of saying that my grandchildren aren’t smart, I want to tell you about a recent visit we enjoyed from these two future Presidents and/or Vice Presidents...

Ø They both slept on the same room.

Ø In that same room there was a Radio/Cassette Tape/CD Disk Combo Player.

Ø Being as young as they are they are curious.

Ø They started playing around with the player and found the CD that was inside.

Ø Because they are curious and young they asked their Father what the CD Disk was.

I guess I am behind the times. I was not aware that a CD was a thing of the past.

Time marches on.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: I bet neither of them knows what a Buggy Whip is.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How much interest is there in or on a CD now days?