Friday, August 13, 2021

The Trojans Were Really Stupid People!

When were used to teach History in our schools we used to teach...

Ø The Greeks laid siege to Troy because they were mad because one of the Trojans, a guy named Paris of Troy, took one of their women by the name Helen of Greece to go live with him in Troy.

Ø The Greeks got extra mad when Helen changed her name from Helen of Greece to Helen of Troy.

Ø After 10 years of trying to get into Troy the Greeks decided to implement a very sneaky plan to get it that Kirk Douglas had come up with.

Ø They built a Big Horse that was big enough to contain a whole bunch of Greeks who were very good at opening gates from the inside and hid them inside of it.

Ø Overnight they left the Big Horse outside Troy's Big Gate and withdrew their many ships over the horizon to give the impression to the Stupid Trojans that they had gone back to Greece.

Ø The Trojans woke up and saw that the Greeks had left and before leaving they had left the Big Horse outside the Big Gate as a tribute to one of their many gods.

Ø The Trojans got all excited and decided to have a Big Party.

Ø They were extra pleased when they noticed that the Greeks had been kind enough to install wheels on the Big Horse.

Ø The rolled the Big Horse inside the Big Gate and partied until they all fell down drunk.

Ø While they were partying the Greeks came back across the horizon and gathered up in front of the Big Gate and were patiently waiting for Kirk and his gate opening technicians to come out of the Big Horse and opened the Big Gate.

Ø After Kirk and the boys opened the Big Gate the Sneaky Greeks ran into Troy and killed all the Stupid Trojans.

The Late Paul Harvey is visiting with me today and he insisted I tell you The Rest of the Story which proves how really Stupid the Stupid Trojans were...

Ø Recently an iPhone was found buried at where Troy used to be.

Ø After using a wee bit of WD-40 on it and installing a new very old battery the finders found that the iPhone worked just fine.

Ø Inside of the iPhone they found a picture of the Big Horse and here it is...

Did you just say you don’t see why this proves that the Trojans were really Stupid people? I can’t believe it! Do I have to tell you everything?

The Big Horse Had 2 Windows on Each Side of It and There Was a Climbing Ladder Under Its Big Belly

When the Trojans first saw the Big Horse they should have immediately known that something was amiss because they saw a whole bunch of Sneaky Greek Heads looking out of the Big Horse’s Windows.

That, my dear readers, is Stupid of Epic Proportions!

Would I kid u?




1 comment:

Alessandro Rosolino Ortolano said...

I was with you Fella for a while there, but where is Brad Pitt? Now, before you call me out and tell me that Kirk Douglas is an original tough guy and Brad is a youngster, please note that Mr. Pitt is 58 years old now, meaning that he is full of gravitas!!