Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Let’s Issue A Restraining Order To Restrain People From Doing Things They Should Be Restrained From Doing. That’ll Work For Sure!


WhatDoYaThink he went up there to Fiddle?...

Ø In California a mother got a restraining order to prevent her Estranged Husband from coming to the home where his Estranged Wife and their 2 Estranged Sons were living.

Ø The Restraining Order also was supposed to prevent the Estranged Husband from Possessing Fire Arms.

Fella Comment:

A Restraining Order Is Not Bullet Proof

Here is what happened after the Restraining Order was issued against the Estranged Husband...

Ø The estranged husband picked up his AK-47 Type Weapon and a Hand gun and when to the home he was restrained from going to.

Ø He shot and killed his Estranged Wife (42), his 2 Sons (ages 17 and 24) and a sheriff’s deputy (leaving a wife and 2 young children).

Ø Three other deputies were injured in the mayhem.

Ø Two other women and 2 young girls escaped the home before they could be harmed.

Ø The Estranged Husband then climbed on top of his house with his restrained weapons and was shot and killed by sheriff’s deputies.

More than 100 deputies responded to the scene and 23 of them have been placed on Administrative Leave. Why are 23 of them on Administrative Leave? Are they suspected of using Unnecessary Force? Aghhhhh!

Can’t you just hear the Dead Restrained Husband’s Lawyer saying at the hearing that has been called to have all 100 of the deputies fired saying*

“Your Honor, from the outset I must go on the record that Estranged Dead Client considered this Restraining Order to be very restraining on his freedom of movement.

 That being said I must also say these 100 deputies acted in callous disregard for the location of my Estranged Dead Client. They shot my client while he was on the roof of his recently deceased wife’s restrained house. He had gone up there to grieve for the loss of his recently deceased wife, who I might add, was the Mother of his 2 recently deceased children. 

The deputies should been cognizant of the fact that being this high up was a long way from the safety of the ground. They acted in collective callous disregard for the obvious fact that, if they shot and killed my Estranged Dead Client while he was so high above the ground, he might fall and sustain further injuries from the fall itself after he was dead. 

It makes no never mind that firing these 100 officers will leave 100 wives and 412 children without any visible means of support. They should have thought of that before they tried to hurt my Estranged Dead Client while he was in the process of grieving on top of a slippery roof. 

Yes, your honor, justice demands that the State of California throws the book at all 100 of these Callous Disregarding Uncaring Trigger Happy Deputies!”

Would I kid u?


*Lagniappe: The hearing is being held in a special courtroom with a sign over the entrance door that reads, “Foolish Trials R Us”.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such tragedy, and very similar to the crime we are now seeing here in Houston..... the judges are letting EVERYBODY out on cashless bail. Our crime is out of control. I keep looking for just one little thing that looks positive in our present situation, but nothing positive is apparent. We must keep the FAITH!!!!!!