Saturday, May 29, 2021

Make Them Suffer!

Did you just say you were at a lost to know who deserves to suffer? Where have you been? Have you not been watching TV for the last several years? If you don’t know who deserves to suffer, I am of a mind to not tell you.

OK, I am going to tell you but I will not always be with you and one day you are going to have to learn to Fend for Yourself.

I can’t believe it! Did you just say you don’t know what Fend for Yourself means either? Would it help if I told you what “Fend for Yourself” looks like in Chinese? It looks like: 照顧自己;自謀生計. (I can see that did not help.)

Some People Believe That People Who Do Not Have the Same Opinion As They Do Deserve To Suffer

Simply stated, they believe non like minded people are Wrong, Misguided and Ignorant and, if they own a business, that business needs to be boycotted until it goes out of business! 


There was a time (back in the Old Days) when we heard this kind of Old Time Thinking...

Ø Everyone is entitled to his Own Opinion.

Ø I do not agree with what you just said but I will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It.

Ø You, my friend, have a right to Speak Your Mind.

In the Old Days someone would say something that you did not agree with and you would say to him, “I do not agree with you. We need to talk about it when we go to lunch today. Before we talk about that I got to talk with you about whether or not you saw that stupid referee make that stupid call at the end of the Packers game last night. What a jerk! If we don’t get around to talking about why I don’t agree with your opinion, let’s try to remember to talk about it at lunch tomorrow.” 


We, however, don’t live in the Old Days we live in the New Days. Today we...

Ø Get all excited and verbally attack the person with whom we do not agree.

Ø We stop talking to the person with whom we do not agree.

Ø We talk to other employees about how stupid the person we do not agree with is.

Ø We refuse to go to lunch with the person with whom we do not agree...ever again.

Ø We tell our supervisor that we can’t bear to work around the person with whom we do not agree.

Ø We get a sense of accomplishment when we find out that the person with whom we do not agree has been fired.

Attacking people we do not agree with has spread all over the Good Ole USofA (one of the “benefits” of Social Media). Boycotts spring up every day. A lot of money is being spent trying to put entire companies Out of Business because the Owners of these Businesses are Politically Active and, therefore, we know what their Political Opinion is. 


Let’s Bullet Point the results of a successful Put Dat Sucker Out of Business Boycott...

Ø The owner of the newly defunct business (the one we want to see suffer) is probably going to be financially well off after his business has closed.

Ø Once he buttons up his old company he flies to his home outside of Pocatello, Idaho to rest up before he goes to home in the South of France for the South of France Season.

Ø Because he has gone out of business his 1,600 employees at his now defunct business are unemployed.

Ø Many of the children and spouses of these 1,600 former employees have to get jobs to help support their families.

Ø Many of the children of these 1,600 former employees have to put off or cancel forever all plans to attend College.

Ø Homes are foreclosed on in bunches.

If they still have homes, they spend many nights sitting around their cold dark living rooms (the electricity has been shut off) saying to each other, “What did we do wrong?”

Sometime when we set out to “Make Them Suffer” we lose track of just who “Them” are.


Would I kid u?




Anonymous said...

Well done Fella, proving once again that SmartFella is on the ball!!!

Anonymous said...

It is easy for some to get caught up in the cancel culture. They believe they have to get on the "scoreboard" and win one for their side. To achieve the "great society," we need to tear down communications with any who disagree. The "Fella" done good.