Thursday, May 27, 2021

I’m Lonely!

If you live around me, you are probably Over There and I am Over Here...All alone.

You don’t get my drift, do you? OK, I’ll explain. One day I’m going to get tired of explaining things to you and you will not know what the heck I am talking about anymore.


The Lonely Place I am in is reserved for those people who actually Stop at Stop Signs. I appear to be the only one that does do it but I do do it. I can’t help myself.

Any day now I expect to be rear ended after I make an Unexpected Stop. The Unexpected Stop should not really have been unexpected. It was, however, unexpected by the person in the car behind me. He did not expect me to stop because no one else stops at Stop Signs these days and he ran into the back of my stopped car because he did not expect my stopped car to be stopped in front of him.

There might be at least One Stopper in the subdivision next to the one I live in because someone paid to have the Added Sign added to two Stop Sign Poles over there (see picture)...

I wish I knew who the person who added these Added Signs was. If I did, we could chat and commiserate about everyone but the two of us.

A frightening thought just frightened me. I’m getting pretty old. As we get older it ain't pretty because we forget things. Is it possible that I am the person who put up the Added Sign and I forgot I put up the Added Sign?

If that is the case, that means I am really All Alone.

Now I am more frightened than I was when I thought I had a Fellow Stopper out there somewhere.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: This Lagniappe could be a Blog Posting all on its own but it probably lends itself to the Stop Sign Problem above...

I got this story from a Teacher of English As A Second Language in our County.

An Asian Student approached her and asked if he had to stop for a Traffic Light If No Cars Were Coming. When he was told he had to stop he said he did not understand these kinds of laws in his new country. If no cars were coming he felt he ought to allowed to drive through red lights.

About 50% of the drivers around here are Asian. That may explain why Asians do not stop for Stop Signs but it does not explain why the other 50% (minus me) do not stop.



Anonymous said...

Well, where I live, STOP signs are meant only as suggestions!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am lonely, also.

Anonymous said...

I plead guilty. If there is a car coming that I usually slowdown but if nothing coming I keep on going. Please don’t rat me out to my insurer or my uncle joe come on man.