Tuesday, June 01, 2021

We Don’t Trick People Into Coming To Our Country


We are under attack from ourselves in the Good Ole USofA because our form of Government is not perfect. Personally I blame Thomas Jefferson because he put these words into The Declaration of Independence...

We hold this truth to be self-evident, that the Good Ole USofA is perfect.

...Or did he?

This Country has spent more than 200 years not being perfect while at the same time doing a gigabunch more things right than wrong.

Since the beginning people coming from all over Planet Earth have been trying and are still trying to get into the United States.

If they come because they thought the Good Ole USofA was perfect, they soon realize that is not the case. They also soon realize that it is a terabunch (a terabunch is a thousand times more than a gigabunch) better than where they came from and, more often than not, they begin the process of trying to get other members of their family to join them here.

What Thomas Jefferson really wrote was...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Pursuing Happiness does not Guarantee Happiness but it is a lot better than living in a place where the National Motto is If You Are Seeking Happiness Furgedaboudit.

Did you just say you wanted something to Think About? Think about this...

Of all the people who have come to America from a Communist Form of Government...

Ø How many of them have ever been overhead saying, “Do you know the name of a good lawyer? I want to sue! No one told me that this was a Free Country!”

Ø How many sit with their family at the dinner table at night talking about how great it was under Communist.

Ø How many decided to leave the United States and go back to the Communist Country they came from?

They all would probably agree with this statement...

Back in the old country we did not have much but no one else had more.

Would I kid u?



Anonymous said...

How many walls did we build to keep us in? did PutIn say mr. biden tear this wall down?

Anonymous said...

But, haven't you heard, America is systemically racist...... no one with brown, black skin would ever want to come here. Just ask Biden, he will tell you how bad our country is. He does it every chance he gets.