Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Can’t We All Just Get Along?


You may want to Not Read This Blog Posting if you are...

Ø A Progressive who is averse to reading anything that makes you think that everything Progressives do is anything but the Correct Course of Action and you refuse to even consider any Course of Action that is not Progressive.

Ø A Conservative who is averse to reading anything that makes you think that everything Conservatives do is anything but the Correct Course of Action and you refuse to even consider any Course of Action that is not Conservative.

No matter what political leanings you have I would hope anyone could read this Common Sense (remember Common Sense?) Argument about what’s happening to our System of Government.

What’s happening is not good for any of us. It could very well be one of the biggest nails of the many nails we are hammering into the Coffin of the Good Ole USofA.

I’ll give it a name. Let’s call it...Chaos in Governance.

Many of you just said to collective yourselves...“Huh?”

We may not know what I am talking about but we better figure it out before it is too late and it’s getting too late very fast.


Allow me to try and make bullet-point sense of what I pecked out above...

Ø Imagine you have an idea for your Dream Venture that you have wanted to make a reality your whole life.

Ø You finally have enough money to make it happen but you don’t have unlimited funds and you know for a fact that, if you fail, you will be bankrupt.

Ø You are encouraged because the Current President of the Good Ole USofA after many years of political infighting has just signed an Executive Order clearing the way for your business venture to become reality.

Ø You are excited because you know your Dream Venture will employ thousands of families and your own family will be provided for for the rest of your life and beyond.

Ø However, because you have always been one to see reality, you are thinking about not going forward with your Dream Venture because there is a campaign for president in process and you hear the opposition candidate pledging to Cancel Out the Executive Order of the Current President that made your Dream Venture possible.

Ø You know that Executive Orders are not Laws Passed by Congress and they can be cancelled by future presidents.

What would you do? I know what Fella would do because he is Gutless...Or is he a Realist? He would go back to the Yogurt Shop, put on his apron and start thinking of how to tell his children why they are not going to be able to go to College and try and come up with a few good reasons as to why a career as a Yogurt Fella is not all that bad.


What is that you just said? You just said you don’t like Fella’s Silly Bullets. OK, I’ll see if I can bullet out a more recent example that will sound very familiar to you...

Ø You are the owner of a Pipeline Construction Business.

Ø Your company has just been offered the opportunity to be the Major Construction Contractor to build a new Pipeline.

Ø The Prior President had used Executive Orders to prevent construction of the Pipeline.

Ø The Current President has just signed an Executive Order to go ahead with construction on the Pipeline.

Ø You know our Legislative Process was designed to be slow.

Ø You know that, after Laws are passed by Congress, they are The Laws of the Land and it is again an agonizing slow process to repeal Actual Laws.

Ø You recognize this as Stability.

Ø You know Stability means businesses can make plans into the future.

Ø You know that Executive Order Governance is Chaos.

Ø You know, if the rules that a country lives by can be changed every 4 years, this is a Recipe for Failure.

Ø You know the many good paying jobs that the Pipeline will create can be eliminated by another Executive Order.

Ø You know that the proponents of stopping the Pipeline will say, “Go build Windmills”.

Ø You know that the Windmill Jobs are in other states and your unemployed workers will have to relocate to those states.

Ø You know that those Windmill Jobs pay half of what the Pipeline jobs paid.

Ø You know that when the Cancellation Executive Order is signed you will be stuck with 48,000 Tons of Steel Piping that you will have to try and sell for pennies on the dollar of what you paid for them.

A couple more “You Knows”...

Ø You know you are not going to sign up your Construction Company to build the Pipeline.

Ø You know you are going to find a Physiatrist Couch to lie on and start having your head examined about why your head ever got it into itself to go into the Pipeline Construction Business.

Ø You know you will not be surprised when your new Physiatrist says to you, “Have you ever thought about being a Yogurt Fella?”

Would I kid u?



Lagniappe: Today the Windmills in Texas are frozen in place. What do you think about an Executive Order to unfreeze them? Fella thinks that might not be such a good idea. Two bad consequences could result...

Ø Such an Executive Order might result in Windmills themselves becoming confused.

Ø Mother Nature might File Suit.

1 comment:

Bobby Tony said...

Dead on Analysis.

Somewhere I heard "If one lives by the pen, one dies by the pen!"

I might have miss-heard that because I did not have my state of the Art Hearing Aids installed.