Sunday, February 14, 2021

Which One Ain’t Thinking?


I do not agree with everything President Johnson said and I am certain that he would not agree with everything I have said but here is something he said that I do agree with...

“Don't Spit in the Soup, We All Gotta Eat”

Now that I have that off my chest, I will move on to trying to explain why I chose the above Title of this Blog Posting to be the Title of this Blog Posting.


Actually today’s 2nd quote of LBJ’s that I wanted to discuss did not come from LBJ. Now I know I have you confused about what I am saying (again) but stick with me as I try to wriggle out of this one.

The 2nd quote is...

“Whenever two people always agree, one of them is unnecessary.”

For decades I have attributed a form of this quote (“If you have 2 people who always think alike, you have one person who ain’t thinking”) to LBJ. In getting ready for this bit of Foolishness I researched the attribution of this quote and found that it definitely came from Ezra Pound and it definitely came from Henry Ford and it definitely came from William Wrigley, Jr. (The Internet strikes again).

Oh well, as Fella has said before, if the horse is dead, get off the horse.  It makes no difference who actually said it, I’m going to talk today about what was said by someone.


Have you noticed what I’ve noticed about Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska?... They always agree.

This fact really hit me in the face yesterday when I was jogging down the hills in my local park (I’m too old to jog up the hills in my local park). 

I was listening to the Senate Impeachment Trial Number Next of President Trump. The Senators who were still awake were submitting written questions to the lawyers prosecuting and defending President Trump.

The strange thing was a question had come from both Senators Collins and Murkowski. Not a question from Senator Collins and a separate question from Senator Murkowski but a single question from the both of them. This leads me to the Fella Question...

Which One Ain’t Thinking?


Would I kid u?




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