Monday, September 21, 2020

I Am Ready To Make A Prediction!

England held a Stay In or Get Out of the European Union Referendum (Brexit) on June 23, 2016 but the Actual Removal has been dragging its feet. I bet you did not even know Removals had feet. Fella is here to tell you not only do Removals Have feet but its feet must be Really Big because there has been a lot of Foot Dragging going on ever since June 23, 2016!

Boris Johnson campaigned for Prime Minister on a pledge to "Get Brexit Done" during the 2019 election. It’s not done yet. Here are a few of the hundreds of thousands of words written about Brexit before and after his election victory...

  • The UK is no longer a member of the European Union (EU), but that's not the end of Brexit.
  • Brexit was originally meant to happen on 29 March 2019. 
  • Leaver James Dyson makes Brexit intervention - ‘I’ve NO REGRETS’’
  • Brexit: PM in compromise with Tory critics over Internal Market Bill.
  • Lord Keen: Senior law officer quits over Brexit bill row.
  • Brexit: Internal Market Bill clears first hurdle in Commons.
  • Why is Brexit still being talked about?
  • The British government is facing more opposition to its plans to breach the Brexit agreement with the European Union.
  • Johnson has argued that his government is pursuing a law that would override parts of the Brexit deal as an insurance policy against “unreasonable” behavior by the EU that could threaten the U.K. unity by disrupting trade between Northern Ireland and the rest of the country.
  • The EU has demanded the British government drop its plan by the end of September or face legal action.
  • Britain is risking a car-crash Brexit of food shortages, another recession and isolation.
  • Investors have been rattled by recent events. 
  • Didn't the UK already leave the EU with a deal? ... Yes, the UK did leave the EU on 31 January 2020 with a deal called the withdrawal agreement, however, this deal only set out the process of how the UK would leave the EU, not the future relationship.
  • Labour may not vote for Boris Johnson's latest Brexit deal.
  • What happens if there's no trade deal by December 31, 2020?
  • Brexit trade deal: What are the sticking points?

Oh yea, I promised a Prediction for the Future and I always live up to my promises...

This is what I foresee as the London Times Front Page Headline on March 23, 2103...

Brexit’s Future In Doubt! Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher III Says, “I promise to bring this Brexit Issue to a Conclusion in short order but first we need to go back to the Drawing Board.”

Would Margaret Thatcher’s Granddaughter kid u?




Bobby Tony said...

Alex, I think you are spot on with your prediction.

Democracy, Republics and Parliamentary governments are based on the premise that the people control the government.

Long Ago (55 years in 1965) one of my Political Science professors who had defected from Russia made the observation that has stuck with me throughout the years. His lectures were a plea for his students to remember the dangers of an oppressive and all powerful government. The exact words have escaped my memory long ago but I tried to paraphrase them into a quote which is easier for me to remember.


Bobby Tony said...


I might add that that was back when a fair number of professors had actually lived history and not just read about it and made judgements on their current dogmas.

Anonymous said...

Breaking news!

Margaret Thatcher III having successfully resolved the Brexit issue, has been asked by all 27 members of the US Supreme Court to assist them with their deliberations in determining the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election!