Friday, June 12, 2020

Russia Russia Russia

I looked in Wikipedia to get the official name of Russia and I noticed interesting fodder for a Blog Posting for Foolishness...Or Is it?

Wikipedia describes the Russian Federation this way...

“Federal dominant-party semi-presidential constitutional republic”

A particular phrase jumped out at me because I am The Noticer. Since you are not The Noticer you may not have noticed what I noticed.

It was, “Semi-Presidential”. What the heck is a Semi-President? That’s easy...A Semi-President is a Vladimir Putin and a Vladimir Putin is a Semi-President.

That’s not the kind of definition we are used to in the Good Ole USofA’s Democratic Republic but in Russia’s Constitutional Republic it makes “perfect” sense. 


As evidence of how much Vladimir Putin dominates Russia consider this:

Ø Do you agree that a Prime Minister is normally a powerful official?

Ø Have you ever heard of Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin?

Ø Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin is the Prime Minister of Russia.

Ø He hasn’t been the Prime Minister very long but that is all the more reason you should have heard of him.

Ø Certainly our crack News Media must have covered the ceremonies having to do with his swearing in and pictures of him raising his vodka holding hand at the cocktail party after he became the Prime Minister


In Russia’s Federal Dominant-Party Semi-Presidential Constitutional Republic they do things differently. Here is how Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin became the Prime Minister of Russia...

Ø One day Mikhail was nominated by Putin (the Semi-President).

Ø The next day, after his nomination hearings were held, he assumed his new office.

Don’t knock it. In many ways it is a lot more appealing that the More Than Two Years of Craziness that we are subjected to in the Good Ole USofA in selecting our President. Here’s how we do it...

Ø Speculation begins about Potential Candidates who are thinking about running.

Ø Denials are made by Potential Candidates that they are thinking about running.

Ø Announcements hit the news about formation of Exploratory Committees (whatever that is) to explore the possibility of the Potential Candidates actually becoming Actual Candidates for President.

Ø Potential Supporters start lining up in case the Potential Possible Candidate actually becomes an Actual Candidate.

Ø Potential Supporters get all excited.

Ø Announcements are made by Potential Possible Candidates that they have now become Actual Candidates.

Ø In the Announcement Audience there are looks of surprise and shocked happiness on the faces of all the supporters of the Now Former Potential Possible Candidates.

Ø The Potential but now Actual Supporters are wearing campaign buttons on their collective lapels bearing the faces of the Now Former Potential Possible Candidates.

Ø Then we are subjected to uncountable numbers of Campaign Speeches.

Ø Then we are bombarded by uncountable numbers of Debates.

Ø Then there are published uncountable numbers of Damning Accusations against the Announced Candidates that go back to their Grammar School Years (a few of the Damning Accusations are actually true).

Ø Then we are subjected to uncountable numbers of Polls by Democratic Pollsters that show the Democratic Candidates in a favorable light.

Ø Then we are subjected to uncountable numbers of Polls by Republican Pollsters that show the Republican Candidates in a favorable light.

You and I both know that this list could go on much longer but you and I both know that you and I get the point. To almost quote Winston Churchill, this is Foolishness wrapped in a glob of Silly Putty waiting impatiently for Happy Hour to Start


Maybe what we need is a Semi-President to shorten this whole process. Putin might just fill the bill. He never seems flustered. He always seems in control. Often times he seems bored. 

He ought to be asked to come over here and spend a couple of days and appoint an Actual Candidate for President who could the next day become the Actual Serving President of the Good Ole USofA.

The Foolishness has now come to an end...Or has it? I really do not think we ought to establish the office of Semi-President of the Good Ole USofA because that would be Silly and our Founding Fathers are Dizzy Enough Already.

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm certainly ready for Happy Hour to start....... Which started me thinking, if I wait for everything to be perfect before I can be happy, then I'll never be happy, because when were things ever perfect? Starting with today and going back about 3,000 years, things have always been just about like they are today..... so I guess we might as well be happy. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.