Friday, April 17, 2020

No Chit Sherlock!

A Waste of Time Headline...

White House Guidelines for Reopening the Economy Garner Mixed Reviews


Of course, there are Mixed Reviews.

Don’t think you will ever see a headline that reads... 

White House Guidelines Are Without Exception Welcomed and Praised By Everyone In The Country!


If a Thousand Dollar Bill was sent to every man, woman and child in the Good Ole USofA, we would hear this kind of Mixed Reviews coming back from an awful lot of the Thousand Dollar Bill Recipients...

Ø The mailman’s delivery route always delivers mail to the people across the street before he delivers to my side of the street. Why should the people who live on the other side of the street get their money before I get my money?!

Ø Every night on TV I see Congress throwing money at everything you can imagine and all I get is a measly $1,000!

Ø Yes I got a check for each of my 3 children but I don’t understand why families that have more children than I have receive more checks than I do!

Ø Money is free to our government. It has lots of printing presses. It should have printed more $1,000 bills!

Ø My bill had a corner that was bent! I demand an unbent bill!


Do you think I went too far this time? OK, I’ll concede that may be the case. I hereby pledge I will stop going too far when I no longer hear people call up radio talk shows and saying things like this...

Of Course, I Know What Roe vs. Wade Was All About. It Was The Very Difficult Decision That General George Washington Had To Make Before He Crossed The Delaware River.

Would I kid u?




Anonymous said...

You call it Chit.... I call it something else!!😄😄😄

Anonymous said...

I never ever said Chit what does it mean? The response to everything is based solely on the level of hatred of Trump. Stay strong.