Thursday, September 05, 2019

The Border Problem Is No Problem If Only Washington DC Would Listen To Me!

The Border with Mexico is under siege. The President says we got big trouble down there. The Border Patrol agrees with the President. The Border States Governors agree with the Border Patrol and the President. 

The law abiding U.S. Citizens who live near the border are being overrun by The Problem.

They are all perplexed about what to do about this invasion. I’m sitting here with the Perfect Fix for The Problem and none of them will pay me no never mind (whatever that means).

My plan is simple and you will kick yourself for not coming up with it on your own.

Put up a Big Sign at the Border that says…
Ø Anyone crossing this border illegally will instantly become United States Citizens.
Ø Anyone crossing this border illegally will be given Free Health Care.
Ø Anyone crossing this border illegally will be guaranteed their children will be given Free Elementary, Secondary and College Educations.
Ø Any adults crossing this border illegally will be given Free English as a Second Language Training.
Ø Anyone crossing this border illegally will be given more Welfare than they ever dreamed possible.
Ø Anyone crossing this border illegally will be given Food Stamps that will have no limitations regarding what they can be used for.
Ø Anyone crossing this border illegally will be given a Free Lexus.

The only thing that the Good Ole USofA will require from our new citizens to gain permanent access to all of these Goodies is they will be…
Required to Live in Chicago

All those who want to go live in Chicago need only cross the border and get on the Bus.

Every single one of those Undocumented Citizens is certain to cross the border and get on the bus…Or are they certain to?

Would I kid u?


Anonymous said...

That is a cruel and unusual requirement.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant!! Include San Francisco in the destinations.

Anonymous said...

I think we should send all illegal aliens to San Francisco. Once the newcomers arrive and see all the drug needles, crap, trash, etc on the streets of San Francisco they are sure to turn around and go back to where ever they came from. As one illegal alien said, in very broken English, on a TV interview referring to the mess in San Francisco; "I am from a third world country, but I have never seen anything like this"...............