Monday, February 17, 2014

Longing To Be Recognized As A Great Writer

Dr. Charles Krauthammer has furthered my wealth of knowledge with this bit of information...

Even the tried-and-true may not be true. Take the average adult temperature. Everyone knows it’s 98.6 F. Except that when some enterprising researchers actually did the measurements – rather than rely on the original 19th-century German study – they found that it’s actually 98.2.”

It’s interesting to know what I now know about the Average Adult Temperature but that’s not what caught my eye. It’s the part about...

How tried-and-true just might not be true.

I really find that to be interesting and I am now determined to get me one of those Tried and True Thingies along the lines of...

A Bit of Foolishness a Day Keeps Depression Away

If I could get this accepted as a Tried and True Universally Accepted Saying I would sell a lot of books, even if Dr. Krauthammer might later find out it was not true.

As you well know my little-read book, Foolishness...Or Is It? Volume 1 has been published for some time now. You did not know about the Volume 1 part did you? You did not know because I have not let it be known that a Volume 2 was a possibility.

Volume 1 has 90 blog postings in it. Every time I have made a new posting after Volume 1 had been published, I have placed these new postings in a folder called, “Next Book”. At present there are 575 postings in that folder waiting to burst forth as Volumes 2 through Volume 6.388888888888889.

(It was a sad day when I realized that 94 books sold is not enough to make it to the New York Time Best Seller List.)

There are simply not enough copies of Volume 1 nestled in the bathrooms of America to justify publication of Volume 2.

Pay attention here! The ugly truth is it is your fault that more copies have not been sold!

For years I have asked all of you, as loyal readers, to spread the word about my little Bathroom Book but you have failed. Many a time I pleaded with you to, Click on "Buy My Book At..." on top of my Blog to buy a book and then send the link to friends or enemies who have $10.

If only my readers had more enemies, I would not be stuck here in between this rock and this hard place.

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about sales of the epic Volume 1. Maybe you can obtain some assistance in merchandizing from the Canadian group that designed the Obamacare Web Site. The other thought that might provide some comfort is that it is 94 book sales more than the rest of us have sold.