Sunday, October 27, 2013

Kill Everything Else

In July 2011 I wrote about our Fish & Wildlife Service’s plan to save Spotted Owls by shooting the Barred Owl. They called this “onsite lethal removal”. They politically corrected “killing” & “shooting” to make the Dead Barred Owls feel better.

If you want to refresh yourself about my diatribe about Barred & Spotted Owls, click this link...

Well they are at it again. The people who are in charge of protecting creatures out there by killing creatures out there have decided that the Cutthroat Trout need to be protected. Here is the sub headline to an article I read on the subject...

In Bid to Restore Native Cutthroat Trout, Yellowstone National Park Officials Order Fly-Casters to Kill Everything Else They Catch

You are thinking I made this one up, are you not? If you want to read all about it, go the Wall Street Journal October 19/20, 2013 and read the article on page A6.

“Native” is the key word responsible for sending our rangers into such a Kill ‘Em Dead Frenzy. It seems the Rainbow was introduced into Yellowstone in 1889. The Native Cutthroat was already there and the Cutthroat has been miffed ever since.

I guess 124 years is not long enough for the Rainbow Trout to become classified as “native”.

To really appreciate how determined our Park Service is read this quote from the article that has sent the Smartfella into this tirade...

“At Yellowstone Lake, where cutthroats are a key link in the wildlife food chain, biologists have gillnetted hundreds of thousands of non-native lake trout. To clear rivers and streams, biologists are stunning fish with electricity or spraying rotenone, a root-based chemical that asphyxiates fish.”

It is fortunate for the Cutthroat that it is the only fish that has the ability to read so they can read the signs that the rangers have placed in the rivers that warns them not to swim in the areas of the river where the Park Service Rangers are waiting to snare their little gills, shoot them full of unwanted electricity and/or asphyxiate them. The illiterate fish swim right past those signs to their doom.

The Smartfella’s opinion is that the Park Service is making a mistake to put all of its emphasis on killing all those non-native fish. Someone has to step up and address the Fisherman Issue! It is the Fisherman’s desire to catch Rainbow Trout that creates the demand for those little buggers in the first place.

They also create a multi-million dollar industry because they descend on Yellowstone staying in hotels and eating in restaurants. They also waste a lot of their children’s inheritance by purchasing all those off-road vehicles, fishing tackle, boats, clothing, little fly thingies, rods and reels, cigars and funny looking hats.

There is a lot of money pumped into the Yellowstone Economy by all of what is talked about in the above paragraph. We can’t have that, can we?

What is the solution? You all know what the solution is but you are too Politically Correct to come out and say it. The Smartfella is not PC. I say Shoot The Fisherman and return Yellowstone to its Native Pristine State.

Would I kid u?




Anonymous said...

Good one, Fella.

Anonymous said...

The only successes in saving creatures I can recall are the alligators and brown pelicans here in Louisiana.
Remember we were told to get rid of DDT and the pelican eggs would be strong enough to hatch. Then they took them off the protective list after 30 years.
They also closed the season on alligators to save those creatures. After awhile they restored the alligator hunting season again. This brought back the hide and meat industry. Then we were given a reality TV show.

Anonymous said...

One solution would be catch and release cutthroat trout and catch and keep all others.