Monday, July 04, 2011

Once You Are Declared Endangered, You Are Bulletproof … Or Are You?

The Italics below are from a piece published online by National Public Radio…

Published: June 12, 2011

Spotted Owls are on the decline despite two decades of work to bring them back. So, later this month, wildlife officials are releasing a new plan to protect the owls.

Barred Owls have taken over Spotted Owl territory and in some cases even attack them. They have an advantage because they eat a wider variety of prey and are bigger birds. In places like western Washington, the Spotted Owl population has been cut in half since the Barred Owl showed up.

The Fish and Wildlife Service hopes to deal with this by "permanent removal”. (Here is the part where some of you will come to the conclusion that I started making things up.) "We're going to look at all potential opportunities, but the most humane way to do it is to shoot them."

Another article I found used a set of words that will certainly make the dead Barred Owl feel better… Instead of the word “shoot” this article referred to what they were going to do to the Barred Owl as "on-site lethal removal”.

I know that, because of my past record of making things up, some of you think I made up this Shoot ‘Em Dead To Save ‘Em Silly Stuff. Click below to convince yourself that the basic story that started this foolishness of is 100% Certified True Foolishness.

Click Here:

Are we now into micro-managing everything? What lies ahead? For this Foolishness…Or Is It?, I researched online about whales and it seems obvious to me that we have to do something about them because they are reeking havoc out there in our oceans…

According to Oracle ThinkQuest, the whale is the top predator in the ocean. The whale eats marine mammals and seabirds. They also eat a variety of fish such as salmon, cod, flatfish, hake, herring, and smelt. They also eat other kinds of whales. They also eat seals, sea lions, walruses, and occasionally sea otters and penguins. Lastly, they even eat squid, octopus and smaller sea creatures.

I say get rid of all the whales. They may have some spots but they certainly have no feathers and they are not even cute.

Would I kid u?

NOTE: Don’t blame me… BlogSpot (Google) is responsible for those ads at the bottom of my Foolishness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good blog, to save, we must kill!! And then apply the apporiate euphemsium to the act.