Saturday, August 25, 2012

I Not Saying You Should Go Out And Kill 77 People

I not saying you should go out and kill 77 people but, if you are hankering for lifelong security and comfort, you might want to consider it.

Remember that guy in Norway, Anders Behring Breivik, who last year killed 77 people in a bomb and gun rampage? He is getting what’s coming to him...Or is he?

Those Norwegian Type People have not quite finished with Breivik but they are getting close...

  • Door Number 1... If declared insane, the confessed killer will be the sole patient of a psychiatric ward that Norway built just for him, with 17 people on staff to treat him.
  • Door Number 2... If found mentally fit, he will remain isolated, for now, in the high-security prison where he uses three 86-square-foot cells: a bedroom, an exercise room and a study.
  • Door Number 3... Officials at Oslo’s Ila Prison say they would eventually like to transfer Breivik into a section of the prison with other prisoners. All these prisoners have access to a school that teaches from primary grades through university-level courses, a library, a gym, work in the prison's various shops and other leisure activities.

Not too bad for such a bad guy.

I wonder if he has to tidy up his abodes himself or does he have maid service?

Would I kid u?


This Foolishness...Or Is It? was ready for posting yesterday but today those Norwegian Type People have come to a final determination regarding which door(s) their bad guy will be allowed to walk through...

Breivik Has Been Declared Sane

This means he will be sashaying through Door #2 and eventually through Door #3.

Now he can take advantage of those university level courses that he will have access to and, by the time he is released, (aren’t they all released eventually?) he will have his law degree. Then he can devote the rest of his life to the betterment of all God’s children.

Now my concern shifts to the 17 people who were hired to treat him in the psychiatric ward that was built for him. Are these people now going to be unemployed? This does not seem right. What did they do wrong?

Someone ought to put together a fund to collect donations for them and their children.

I would normally be more than glad to spearhead such a worthy effort but I’m going to very busy for the near future because football season is about to start.

NOTE: Don’t blame me… BlogSpot (Google) is responsible for those ads at the bottom of my Foolishness.

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