Bicycling is not just a way to get from point A to Point B but it is a way to get Exercise while we are getting from point A to Point B...Or is used to be.
Today we are buying bicycles that have pedals that we don’t need to use. The Pedals are where the exercise part of riding bicycles comes into play. There’s a new bike on town. These bikes have a motor that makes the pedals unnecessary. These bikes are called EBikes and “E” stands for "Electric" not for "Exercise". (Some say it stands for "Easy".)
I just went Internet Shopping for an EBike. There are enough links to EBikes that I could spend months trying to find the exact right one. The highest priced one I found was priced at $14,999.99. I guess the seller decided that, if he asked $15,000 for his EBike, no one would pay that much.
I decided to send you a picture of this almost $15,000 EBike but I could not find it again when I went back to search for it. Maybe, at that "cheap" price, they sold out. If you were interested in buying one, hang onto your wallet, at that price, they are sure to make more.
Fella Memory Recall: When I worked for Ford Motor Company
the Maverick (a whole automobile) was introduced at a Selling Price of $1,995...
At a time when we are getting fatter and fatter we are buying more and more No-Exercise Bicycles.
The Evolution of No-Exercise...
Ø We used to get off the couch to walk across the living room to change the TV Channel but the TV Flicker made that unnecessary.
Ø We used to walk places to get places but now we see overweight people gliding past us in Hover Boards.
Ø Even having sex has gotten easier. There is now a Microwave Fireplace you can position yourself and your mate in front of that makes it possible to enjoy 2 hours of mad passionate lovemaking in only 3 minutes.
What’s next? I just saw where there is a new App that works this way...
Every time we leave our house to go take a walk the App makes the route we take always downhill. It is not yet available for download because they are finishing up the Companion App that makes the return home downhill also. I’m sure you understand the Companion App is of vital importance to make anyone want to buy the First App.
Would I kid u?
Laniappe: I know I have painted EBikes as almost downright evil. I know it is important even necessary for some people to have an EBike. You should also know that I am not only a Noticer but I am also a Poker. I Poke fun at life. Besides, once I found the picture of that little kid trying to see around Mama, this Blog Posting had to be written.
Speaking of noticing...Did you notice the Outfit Mama Is Wearing? That is a for certain indicator that she also Pokes Fun at Life.
A person still has to pedal an E-bike. The person pedals the bike, but the electric motor assist in making it easier. I used one several year ago and endorse them for certain people. Those who no longer have the strength or endurance to pedal 50 or more miles. Those who bike to work and don't won't to arrive all sweaty.
Mr. Anonymous, I can't answer your questions from yesterday about where I get my ideas & where I find the time to write & post my ideas because I am too busy getting & writing & posting today's blog posting.
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