Thursday, January 05, 2023

Hold On, Doctor, Let Me Do The Talking


The Prescription Commercial Industry is all over us because it is All Over TV. The little Lizard that sells us insurance is having a hard time finding time slots to do cute things for us in his beloved commercials.

Now it seems that the Prescription Commercial Industry is getting overconfident. They have so much control over us that they are just plain cocky. Wannabe Patients are rushing into doctor’s offices all over the Good Ole USofA demanding to be prescribed the drug with all the Z’s & X’s & Q’s & J’s & Y’s in its name (which they can’t pronounce) that they saw advertised on TV the night before.

I am here to tell you that Unbridled Cocky leads to Silly Foolishness. I saw a commercial yesterday that said this, “Tell your doctor if you have High Blood Pressure”.

Huh? We are now responsible to tell our doctors what wrong with us? Is that not the doctor’s job? Does it not seem logical that our doctor would know we had High Blood Pressure before we knew we had High Blood Pressure?

Where could this lead? Since we live in a society that cheats a lot, are we going to start falsifying our illnesses to our doctors? Will we start picking diseases that we know are curable or not serious enough to pay them no never mind?

Since this is the Bottom Line of this Blog Posting, here is the Bottom Line...

I Predict We Are About To Find Ourselves In the Midst of a Pandemic of Epic Proportions of the 24-Hour Flu!

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Doctor of 20 years ago, a young fellow, (43-48) because I wanted a doctor to out live me. He asked me being a new client of 57, "How may I help you?" Being a healthy client I said' " I want you to help me Live to 105." He said why 105 years old. I said I'm giving you a 5% window of success."
Now taking 17 nutriments a day plus Hi Blood Pressure and Cholesteric pills.
No organ problems YET. Only 28 more years to go.
A bionic healthy person.