Monday, December 19, 2022

What Is A Tesla?

Where Did He Ever Get The Name Tesla For His Car?

Elon was Little Elon in South Africa when he said to himself, “When I start producing my Electric Car I’m going to name it after a Famous and Gifted Unknown Inventor”.

I got a bit carried away when I made up the Bolded Print above. Elon’s mystery man wasn’t really that unheard of when Little Elon was still little. It’s just that today we are more interested in “important” things like Football and Smartphones. Actually, the Smartphone could tell us all about Nicola Tesla but we are too busy Googling them to find out useless information about Football.

Didya notice I just snuck in the namesake of Elon’s car? Yes, he named his car after Nicola Tesla because Elon is a smart inventor and he knows about smart inventors from way back when Thomas Edison was getting all the kudos for inventing darn near everything worth inventing.

I’m not holding it against Nigel Cawthorne that he has never read my little read book. I’m just started reading his read his book because he wrote about this very interesting man who has a car named after him...

Tesla: The Life and Times of an Electric Messiah


Nigel Cawthorne

Despite being incredibly popular during his time, Nikola Tesla today remains largely overlooked among lists of the greatest inventors and scientists of the modern era. Thomas Edison gets all the glory for discovering the light bulb, but it was his one-time assistant and lifelong arch nemesis, Tesla, who made the breakthrough in alternating current technology. Edison and Tesla carried on a bitter feud for years, but it was Tesla's AC generators that illuminated the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago; the first time that an event of such magnitude had ever taken place under artificial light. Today, all homes and electrical appliances run on Tesla's AC current.

Born in Croatia in 1856, Tesla spoke eight languages and almost single-handedly developed household electricity. During his life, he patented more than 700 inventions. He invented Electrical Generators, FM Radio, Remote Control Robots, Spark Plugs and Fluorescent Lights. He had a Photographic Memory and did Advanced Calculus and Physics Equations in his head.

Nikola Tesla was the ultimate mad scientist. Like many other geniuses throughout history, Tesla was wildly eccentric. He was prone to nervous breakdowns, reported receiving odd visions in the middle of the night, spoke to pigeons, and occasionally thought he was receiving electromagnetic signals from Mars. If he'd lived today, he'd likely be diagnosed with an obsessive compulsive disorder: he hated round objects and disliked numbers that weren't divisible by the three.

I don’t expect it to be an easy read like my Little Read Book is an easy read but I’m going to do my best to get through it because I’ve been told the book costs a lot less than one of Big Elon’s Cars.

Would I kid u?



Anonymous said...

So why didn't he name it Nick?

Anonymous said...

Well, it's true that Tesla was a brilliant inventor and scientist, but let's be real here: Thomas Edison did everything that Tesla tried - only better. I mean, sure, Tesla invented the AC generator, but Edison invented the DC generator. And let's not forget that Edison also invented the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the electric pen (which, let's face it, is way cooler than a remote control robot).

Plus, Edison was a master marketer. He knew how to sell his inventions to the masses, while Tesla was too busy talking to pigeons and worrying about the number three. And let's not forget that Edison was a savvy businessman, too. He founded General Electric, one of the biggest companies in the world today.

So, while Tesla may have been a bit of a mad scientist, Edison was the ultimate inventor and businessman. Sorry, Tesla fans, but the proof is in the pudding (or should I say, the electric light bulb).