Monday, November 21, 2022

Thank Heaven, Contrary To What Many People Say, Men and Women Are Different!

Many today are concerned about Male Female Equality. Fella’s problem with these people is they fear that if they admit Men and Women are different then they are admitting they are not equal. Since it is Christmas Time Fella says...

There was a time when...

Ø Men stood up when a lady came into the room.

Ø Men opened the door for a lady.

Ø  Men said, “Yes, ma’am”. (I still do.)
> By the 1800s, yes ma’am was well-established in the US as a polite affirmation, particularly expected of younger children when questioned by mothers, schoolteachers, or other older female authority figures. The expression has become especially associated with the English of the South or American West, where it in many instances became shortened to yes’m.

Men used to offer their seat to a lady on a bus or a train. Did men offer their seats to ladies because they thought ladies were inferior or too weak to stand up all by themselves? No, it was a sign of respect. It was just plain being nice (remember nice?).

I do remember feeling a bit ashamed because some other man had offered his seat before I offered my seat and hoped no one noticed me sitting there feeling small.


OK, enough of the Fella Blog Warm-up. Let’s find out what the Internet says...

From a site named comes more than you or I want to read about 45 Scientific Facts About Differences Between Men and Women. I’ll leave it up to you to read all you want but I will post the 45th one, the 22nd one (half of 45 almost) and the 1st one...

Ø 45th... A recent study in the Biology Letters suggests that men have an enhanced ability to judge someone’s size by the sound of their voice.

Ø 22nd... As men and women age, men tend to have more difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds (consonants), while women struggle with low-pitch sounds (vowels).

Ø 1st ... While Men have physically larger brains than women, size does not directly correlate with intelligence. What’s learned by experience or study helps forge neuronal connections, which in turn determines intelligence.

Do the 3 samples make you want to go to and read all about it 

and skip watching football? As for me, reading all 45 is more than my larger but more inferior brain can handle.

There are, however, signs that TV Football may be overplaying its hand because I did fall asleep during Saturday night’s game. This picture is not me but you get the point... 

Fella Alert: Do you hunger for something else to worry about? Click here so you can worry about Early Death: That ought to do it.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Trust me on this one...The Biology Letters link referenced above probably is beyond the grasp of you and I (at least during Football Season). A good example is: Variation in symbiont density is linked to changes in constitutive immunity in the facultatively symbiotic coral, Astrangia poculata .

Lagniappe Another: I don’t know what the picture below has to do with any of this I simply got a chuckle out of it. I wonder how many of you out there are offended because I did not find a picture of a woman standing in front of the blackboard.

Ah Ha! I See The Mistake!


Anonymous said...

I have heard that a human only uses about 25% of the brain. If that is the case, either we are all stupid or very smart. I know I am.

Ludwig said...

There are differences all over the place. These are differences between pumpkin pie and pecan pie. Some folks even prefer one over the other. I bought one of each! Equality is not only overrated, it is irrelevant in most situations. Yes, sir!

Anonymous said...

All women are crazy. There are a few good men who are not!

Anonymous said...

Why the suspenders? Why the hat? Some questions are just too profound for answers!