Thursday, November 24, 2022


Does it not seem like Members of our 9% Approval Rating Congress are unable to become firmly fixed in their long-held positions on any subject until the opposition has stated what their long-held positions are?

It does not matter that the position taken makes sense or not. The important thing is a counter position must be put into the Congressional Record. In the future, if someone reads the Congressional Record and then says, “That does not make any sense”, and if the person who hears those words is a seasoned Congressional Observer, he will say, “What’s your point?”

Ø If one side says that Apple Pie is great, the other side would counter that apples have that hard little stem thingy sticking out of them that could get caught in a Crawling Age American’s throat and cause him to choke.

Ø If one side says Cute Little Puppies are really Cute, the other side would look shocked and dismayed that their side would take such a reckless position because everyone knows that Cute Little Puppies poop a lot and that stuff gets on the bottom of your shoes and makes a mess.

Ø If Senator Foghorn accuses Senator Whiplash’s side the aisle of always being automatically against anything proposed by his side of the aisle. On the other side Senator Whiplash would look horrified and he would counter that he thinks his esteemed colleague on the other side of the aisle has completely lost it. As proof of this he would point out that only yesterday he and his colleges on his side of the aisle voted unanimously with the Senator Foghorn’s side of the aisle against that crazy proposal from crazy Senator Teatoddler which would have Outlawed Happy Hour.


If Fella had his way our 9% Approval Rated Congress be required to take this Fella Test...

Ø One side would listen to the other side take a position.

Ø Then the other side would listen to the one side take the opposite position.

Ø Then we would have the Federal Department of Making People Forget What They Just Said zap their Recollection Thingamajigs and make them go blank so they can’t remember the positions they have just taken.

Ø Then Fella would bribe a member of one side or the other to propose the complete opposite position of the argument on which they just finished firmly embracing as their long-held belief before they were zapped.

Ø I bet you dollars to donuts that the opposite side would take the opposite position (without being bribed) to the position they just had just said was their position before their Recollection Thingamajigs were made it go blank.

I worked very hard to make sure this Blog Posting was not confusing. Aren't you glad I did?

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Senator Duck (also known as Daffy) said this on the floor of the Senate a few moments ago...”I just over heard my good friend on the other side of the aisle call me a Yes Man when it comes to anything the leader of my party proposes. In the strongest terms I object to this characterization! Why only yesterday my Leader said No and did you not hear me say No immediately after he said No! Now I ask you does that sound like something a Yes Man would say?

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