Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Ya Gotta Be Smart To Be A Meter Reader...Or do you?

The other day I looked up from my computer and saw something I thought was strange going on outside my front window. Since I am me, usually after I notice something (remember I am The Noticer) I often investigate what I noticed to see if I wasted my time bothering to notice.

This notice was a doozy. I got to watch a Mental Midget in action!...

Ø The Water Company’s Meter Reader was going through our little neighborhood reading our water meters.

Ø Our Meter Reader’s routine was to park his car and walk to 3 to 4 meters and read the meters and return to his car and move his car up a few houses and get out of his car and read a few more meters and repeat this process over and over.

Ø I guess he was trying not to get to the point where he had parked his car and had walked a long way and then he would turn around and find that his car was a long way back at his starting point and he would then have to walk that long way to get back to his car.

Ø Heck he may even have feared that he might not be able to find his car way back there where he started somewhere back there.

The problem with this thinking on the part of our Mental Midget Meter Reader is our street is a circle (see map below). If he had just left his car and not walked back to his car over and over he would have found his car back where he left it at the first house he had read at the start of his Meter Reading Trek.

I wonder if he ever figured out what I just explained to you or did he just head to his next assigned neighborhood thinking, “I sure am smart! Once again I read my assigned meters and did not lose my car!”

I think I am smart enough to be a Meter Reader.

Would I kid u?



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