Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Why Is The Stock Market Going Up While Everything Is Going Bad?


The Stock Market is going up because of the COVID Economy. Did you just ask, “What is the COVID Economy?” Glad you asked...

The COVID Economy is all around us but you have not noticed it because you do not notice things like I notice things. You may recall that I am The Noticer.

When something really bad happens some of us say to ourselves, “Wow! That is really bad!” Others say to themselves, “Wow! That is really a good opportunity to make money!”

For example, it could be as simple as Selling Flowers. When that building fell down in South Florida I bet there was a Flower Kiosk set up near the fall down site that sold flowers to people who wanted to buy flowers and go stick then in the fence surrounding the fall down site.


So it is with COVID. The COVID Economy came about because Entrepreneurs (honest and dishonest) have come up with new ways to capitalize on the fact that COVID has all of us Petrified about COVID.

I could spend the rest of this day giving you examples of new COVID Economy Products but you would not bother to read them because you are busy hiding in your bedroom closet trying not to breathe.

I am aware that being in your bedroom closet and not breathing is hard (I feel your pain) so I will not drag this Blog Posting out but I will give you this single COVID Economy example because I think this one is funny and silly and I like silly.


Wind Instrument Musicians in future years will not play their Wind Instruments very well because the “COVID Smart” people who control us have decided that Wind Instrument Musicians should limit practice on their Wind-Blown Instruments because their Wind-Blown Instruments are spewing out COVID Germ Stuff all over the Fruited Plain. (Practice Makes Perfect is a thing of the past.)


In my Blog Posting of January 3, 2022 I sent you this information...

Cloth Masks are made of common fabrics that tend to be highly permeable. These masks were already worn before the C-19 pandemic in developing countries because they are inexpensive and can be used more than once. The CDC says they should be washed at least once a day, and washing them makes the fabrics even more permeable.

Keeping the above in mind, are you ready to spend your money on this below?...

May I point out this excerpt from the above excerpt from my January 3 Blog Posting which plainly says...

Cloth Masks are made of common fabrics that tend to be highly permeable.

My Dear Reader, that’s a Highly Permeable Cloth Covering on that Wind-Blown COVID Germ Spewing Instrument. Are you ready to stand in front of her Wind-Blown COVID Germ Spewing Instrument and take a few deep breathes because you are certain you are protected because of her Highly Permeable Cloth Covering?

Would I kid u?


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