Please allow me to explain why I chose the Subject for this blog Posting to be...
When I Make Something Up You Know I Made Something Up
Two Possible Reasons...
- Because I will tell you I made something up.
- Because it is so obvious that I made something up I would feel Silly if I told you I made something up.
Now that I have gotten that Silliness out of the way, I will get pecking on today’s Blog Posting.
In the world of Dollar Stores there is confusion. Don’t worry yourself none because I am about to unconfuse you...
Dollar General Stores...The far greater majority of what they sell costs more than a dollar. I would venture to say if you asked for change for a dollar, the cashier might look at you with a confused look on his face and say, “What’s a dollar?”
Family Dollar Stores...Read above my clever comments about Dollar General Stores.
Dollar Tree Stores...Everything in Dollar Tree Stores Costs a Dollar (except Vienna Sausage which is 2 for a Dollar). THAT IS A LIE! It was not a lie until a couple of days ago when I was slapped in my disbelieving face with this lie for the first time.
I have always liked to eat Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup. Dollar Tree sells a 25% Larger than Campbell’s regular can of Chicken Noodle Soup for (wanna guess?) a dollar.
I went in to stock up on Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup. I got 10 cans in my basket and went to the checkout counter and, being sly, cunning and alert, I noticed the little screen was ringing up $1.25 each instead of $1.00 each.
I asked the checkout girl why it was not $1.00 each. She
said, “Almost everything in the store is now $1.25”.
Another Lie...
Inflation in the Good Ole USofA is not that high! It is only 7%. Only 7% is not much. It’s not even 8% and it’s hardly more than 6%.
Based on Fella’s Dollar Tree Inflation Determination Calculation, Inflation is 25%! (You probably did not need your calculator to figure out that my figuring was correct.)
Would I kid u?
Way back when I lived in my Cabin outside of Dahlonega, Georgia there was a store up
that way that I was afraid to go into.
It was named “$6.99 and Up”. What is up above $6.99? Every
dollar amount from $7.00 and higher is above $6.99. This frightened me. I was
afraid to go into that store because I feared I might meet up with a Great
Salesman who would get a hold of me and sell me a $3,000 Etch a Sketch!(Put away your
calculator. Trust me. I'm not lying when I tell you $3,000 is above $6.99).