Saturday, October 09, 2021

You Put A Tax On What?!

I've told you before that there was a time in Europe when the King levied a Windows Tax. The thinking was that Windows were a sign of wealth, so people who had Windows in their homes could afford to pay the tax.

If you travel through Europe today, you will see many Windows that used to be Windows but long ago had been Bricked Up. Since the Windows were no longer Windows that could be opened up they were technically no longer Windows, therefore, the Former Window Owner did not have to pay the Window Tax.

Don’t feel sorry for the king. I’m sure he found something else to tax.


The Times They Are A-Changin’...

Because of the Pandemic many people are working from home. Be on the lookout for a...

Work From Home Tax

My Dear Readers, please do not tell any Member of Congress about this little joke of mine. If you do, expect to see that member’s eyes light up and hear him exclaim, “What a brilliant idea!”

Would I kid u?



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