Thursday, October 14, 2021

I’m So Good To My Dear Readers I can Hardly Stand It!

Because of your continued persistence in reading my Foolishness I am going to tell you how you can Make A Lot of Money...

Sell All You Own And Go Into The Business Of Imprinting Checks For Banks!

Not inspired to take me up on my sure thing business venture because you don’t see the sure thing part? I’m sure I can change your mind. Allow me to explain (In Bullet Point Format)...

Ø It all centers on our Rulers in Washington, D.C. deciding that the IRS is going to be tracking all our banking transaction $600 and up.

Ø The American People have risen to challenges in the past and I am sure this time will be no different.

Ø It makes no never mind that they can’t understand why our Rulers want this humongous amount of information about all of us but you can be certain that all over the Fruited Plain Americans are gearing up to thwart Congress’ Latest Attempt to Get Nosey.

Here’s how it will work (In Bullet Point Format)...

Ø In the past, if we wanted to buy an X42 Turbo Charged Titanium Widget for $1,532, we would simply write a check for $1,532 and go pickup our X42 Turbo Charged Titanium Widget and take it home and do whatever it is you do with such a thing.

Ø If we write a $1,532 check in the future, Uncle Nosey is going to be asking a lot of questions.

Ø Because it is Football Season we just don’t not have time to be bothered by Silly Questions from Congress.

Ø Here is what’s going to happen...
>>>We are going to write a check for $599.
>>>We are going to write another check for $599.
>>>We are going to write another check for $334.

Ø I know you are smart because you read my Blog, therefore, I know you have added these 3 checks inside you smart heads and you have come up with a Sum Total of $1,532 which happens to be the exact price of a X42 Turbo Charged Titanium Widget!

What’s that you said? Did you say, “How am I going to get rich off of this Fella Blog?” (If you just said this to yourself, you are not as smart as I gave you credit for.)

There are going to be a heck of a lot more checks written in the Good Ole USofA in future years! If you act fast you can get in on the ground floor of the coming Check Imprinting Industry Boom!

Ahh yes! I can see that greedy smile coming across your greedy face. 😊  


What do you want to bet that sometime in the not too distant future there will be Congressional Hearings trying to figure out what has caused the dramatic increase in $599 Checks all across the Fruited Plain.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Some of you know this and some of you don’t know this...

How many of you know where the Word “Blog” came from? It goes back in Computer History to when Blogs were being invented. One day Mr. Anonymous was searching around for something to call this thing he was doing and he looked at the top of his latest Blog on his computer screen and saw “Web Log”. He took the last 4 letters of “Web Log” and came up with “Blog”.

Armed with this bit of useless information and $3 you can now go to Starbuck Drive Thru and buy a cup of coffee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good old Uncle Sam has already thought of the $599 scheme.
They used too only track $10,000 or multiple transactions just under the $10k threshold.
I maintain that is why most governments are afraid of Bitcoin
Just because I am paranoid does not mean they’re not out to get me