If the late Frank Sinatra were visiting me today, I would
ask him to sing to me slightly modify words to My Way...
“Compliments, I’ve had a few but then again too few to mention”
This compliment I just received hit the Proverbial Bulls Eye...
“Thanks, Fella, for your excellent understanding of the hilarity of the inane.”
Merriam-Webster defines “inane” as... lacking significance, meaning, or point: SILLY.
There’s that word “silly” again.
If the late Bobby Kennedy were visiting me today,
I would ask him to modify his words...
Some men see things as they are and say why I dream things that never were and say Why not
Some men see things that are silly and say, that’s Silly. I see things that are Silly and say...Or is it?
and Fella both wish to apologize to George Bernard Shaw ...
“Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not.”
I kid u?
Frank’s My Way actual lyrics...
“Regrets I've had a few But then again too few to mention”
1 comment:
The Defective Dullard, currently occupying the Oval Office in body only, has been known to be prone to plagiarism. As was dearly departed Bobby, who apparently pilfered the works of George Bernard Shaw according to the scribblings of Smart Fella!
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