Sunday, April 11, 2021

As We Learn More About This Dire Pandemic We Get Smarter...Or do we?

Wraparound Germ Transmission Prevention Plexiglas is saving many lives during this dire Pandemic...Or is it still?

However many it has saved it now appears that some of us believe enough lives have been saved and they are moving on to save other important things.

Did you just ask yourself what can be more important than saving Human Lives? I’m not saying I understand what is happening but I do have Photographic evidence of which I am about to speak.

What I speak about is we have saved so many Human Lives we are now relocating our Wraparound Germ Transmission Prevention Plexiglas to Save Inhuman Cash Registers...

Check out the above picture and see for yourself that Costco now has the Wraparound Germ Transmission Prevention Plexiglas protecting the Cash Registers Only

The space where the Customer and the Employee are spewing germs at each other is Germ-Spreading Wide Open Unprotected

I don’t want to be too hard on Costco. They have probably noticed what Fella has noticed...

Almost every time I see one of these Wraparound Germ Transmission Prevention Plexiglas Installations I see the customer standing to one side or the other talking around the Wraparound Germ Transmission Prevention Plexiglas or his feet are on the 6’ Apart Stand Here Spots on the floor but he is contorting his body and head so that he can poke his head around the side of the Wraparound Germ Transmission Prevention Plexiglas

Costco probably said to itself, “If we can’t keep the customers safe, at least we can keep the Cash Registers Safe”.

Would I kid u?



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