Thursday, March 18, 2021

I’m Confused Again

I just read an article about Jim Caviezel who played Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ. Caviezel has been Blackballed by Hollywood because he played the part of Christ. 

The article said this about the movie, “The film received great ridicule for being controversial and being unnecessarily violent”.

  • Controversial?...I’m not sure I understand what they are referring to by saying the death of Jesus was controversial unless it is the hysteria I recall before the movie came out which was centered on reports that the film was going to result in mass killings of Jews all over the Earth because the film showed Jews killing Jesus. 
    >I always thought that Jews (a bunch of Jews) killed Jesus (a Jew) was established historical fact. (Unless they are referring to those unconfirmed report from an unnamed source that chose to speak only on the condition of anonymity where he anonymously said that Brazilians killed Jesus.)
    >Also, if anyone has any news articles from after the movie that documents mass killings of Jews anywhere on the Earth, please add them as a comment to this Blog Posting.
  • Unnecessarily Violent?...Hollywood makes movie after movie year after year where more bullets are shot at good & bad guys than were expended at the invasion of Normandy and Hollywood thinks the killing of Jesus was “unnecessarily” violent? Wow!
    >Yes it was violent because crucifixion was violent. (Are they saying Mel Gibson should have used a more humane way of killing Jesus than was used to kill Jesus?)
    >Pardon me, Jesus, for this wise-ass comment...I bet Jesus thought often as he was being crucified, “Is this really necessary?”
    >Considering all the Necessary and Unnecessary violence that mankind has perpetrated since Jesus died, one might wonder if his death was necessary but was it worth it or was it worth it but was it necessary? (I told you I was confused in the Subject of this Blog Posting and this last sentence proves it.)

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Hey, Hollywood. Want to avoid any movie that is Controversial? I got an idea. Let’s get Jimma Carter to go take a survey of the entire world. As soon as he comes back with Subject Matter for a movie that everyone on Earth agrees on, you can go into production. Until then, please abstain from making any movies. 


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the article about Jesus being killed ... too violent! My perspective on the comments and commentators objecting to the violence... the average American is a moron! So please keep on sticking (or kicking) them in the derrière!

Anonymous said...

Don't be confused..... that is just the new Hollywood for you. A more worthless bunch you would never be able to find on the face of the Earth!!

Anonymous said...

The blog has it all wrong about the Jews killing Jesus. Every Good Friday I ask my good friend from law school who is a Jew, "Why did 'You People' kill Jesus?" His best answer is that Jesus was not killed by the Jews. "It was the Dagos," he asserted. Pilate and all his soldiers were Romans, and they did the killing. Please correct your history notes.

There is some question whether Jesus was Jewish. Have you ever met anyone named Jesus who wasn't a Latino? Hardly any of them are Jews.

By the same analysis Abraham Lincoln must have been a Jew. A Gentile named Abraham? Not a chance.

Remember Abe's notorious emporium on lower Canal St. when we were in high school? You could buy switch-blade knives, forged draft cards, and other contraband there. Abe was a gentleman of the Hebraic persuasion. I don't think he had anything to do with killing Christ.

Keep the baby, Faith.